The Levels are Increasing

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Liv's house
2:00 AM
September, 14, 2022

{Olivia's POV}

I go on my computer and seen the news. The news talked about the case. They said that the rape and kidnapping cases are up to rise like way up there. I went to checked on my stress levels again after I watched the news then seen that it's high again. I start getting sweaty again then tried to sleep. As I tried to sleep, I had nightmares, night terrors, and just stressed out. I then got another call from Fin. I answered it. He then told me to wake up and go back to the office. I then said, "Ok, I'm so tired and my stress levels are skyrocketing. I'm very hot and sweaty. But I'm fine.". He ended the call then I left to go to the office. I seen the office looking so upset about this case.

Hospital of Joseph
7:30 PM
September, 14, 2022

I seen a lot of people injured then I cried so hard and breathe harder. I went in the hospital then seen Gabe with a gun. I went to him then said, "Put the gun down now. You don't have to be scared at anything so drop your gun.". He then ran away with the gun. I started to ran and followed him. He tried to ran faster but I went faster than him. I then yelled, "PUT YOUR GUN AWAY NOW! YOU DON'T NEED TO RUN AWAY FROM ME! You're under arrest from rape and tenth degree murder.". I then put handcuffs on his hands. He tried to ran away again but I then stopped him quickly.

Amanda then took him away as I seen more people being injuried. I then seen a person being raped and seen another person being kidnapped. I then said to the whole hospital, "Put your hands up everyone. I will need to speak to the managers and staff here right now. Everyone just relax. Everything's going to be fine.". They listened to me. I had a very long complain to them about allowing people to break laws and do very wrong things. I had to arrest a few people at the hospital.

Back at the office
Law and Order Office
10:00 PM
September, 14, 2022

{Odafin's POV}

I've seen how a great job Liv did out there. She really does get her work done. I then seen a teenager rockstar on news that was a huge fan of our squad. She seemed great and reminds me of Olivia. Olivia then came and told me, "Hey, I've have some bad news. The hospital was really bad. There were so much rape and kidnapping there. I've seen a lot of people dying and stuff. I didn't liked it at all. I'm so overwhelmed and worn out.". I then got so sad about what she said. I couldn't believe that so much happened at the hospital. I talked to Olivia for a while then went back to the hospital with her.

We seen more of it going on. I couldn't believe it at all. Liv then said, "Hey, leave that person alone and drop your knife.". She then took the weapons away and took them to Amanda. Later on, I seen Olivia then fainted. I picked her then took her into her house.

Olivia's house
11:47 PM
September, 14, 2022

I checked on her stress level and it got me devastated. It was high. I then yelled, "WAKE UP LIV! YOU CAN'T REST LIKE THIS! WE HAVE WORK LIKE A LOT OF WORK!". She then finally woke up from her faint then said, "I don't feel well but I'm going to have to work.". I then said back, "Yes, you do have work to do Liv.". Elliot then came and seen Olivia. He then said, "My Olivia, what happened to you? You need to rest for a few hours.". She then said, "No, I can't rest Elliot. The case won't stop if I rest. I'm fine and nothing didn't happened to me.". He then said back, "You fainted Liv. I've heard about this from Rollins. You need to rest now. Go rest and get your levels lower.". She then yelled, "NO! I HAVE WORK TO DO! I WON'T TAKE A BREAK! BREAKS DON'T EXIST IN MY WORLD!".

{Elliot's POV}

I then felt worse for Olivia. I could tell that she wasn't feeling good. I've seen how strong and determine she is. Olivia then went on the computer and looked so serious doing her work. I slowly checked on her stress levels and then were high. I then said to her, "Please rest. Your levels are so up there. You need to take a break. You won't get fired by your boss. She then said, "I am the boss of the squad. I don't need a break Elliot.". I then disagreed with her and seen her walked away and got her work done.

Elliot's House
6:00 AM
September, 15, 2022

I then seen a video of a fan of Liv celebrating an anniversary on a Skillet song. I didn't knew what song it was untill I saw the name. It's called Surviving the game. I listened to it for a little bit then prayed for Liv and felt better. I thank God that Surviving the Game came out last year and thank the fan for celebrating it. I was so happy about it.

Weeks later...

{Olivia's POV}

I started to toss and turn a lot as I tried to sleep so well. My alarm on my phone rings then I hitted the snooze button a few times. I then got a call that scared me. I got up then got ready for work. I've seen more terrible things with this case. I went to chat with more people and heard that their wives got rapped and husbands got kidnapped. I then thought to deep into this case as I found more out about this case. I put on my police vest on and went everywhere on my own as everyone else wasn't even paying attention to this case anymore. They went home earlier than I and pay attention to different cases than this serious one. All cases are serious for me.

Isabella's House
9:30 PM
October, 23, 2022

I then saw Odafin at a house next to the one that I was in. I went to the house then said to him, "Hey, how are you doing this case without me? You can't really solve a case on your own easy like you can solve it in a shorter time depending on what case it is with me.". He then said back, "Liv, the last case is very extreme so it'll never be solved.". I then disagreed with him and replied, "Well, the case is actually almost solved. There has been a lot of court dates going on though. It's a pretty tiring case. What's going on with your case?". He then said, "Um, this case just started so we're now just finding very little things Liv. Please just give a break on your case after you get out of that house.". I then said, "I need this paper of your case. I don't see really information Fin. I'm a bit disappointed in you and the rest of the squad.". He then replied, "Liv, please don't be disappointed friend. We're just started and slowly getting the done. It's going to be fine. Just get your case done. We'll be fine with this case. You can go to this case when you finish.". Then I said back, "Well, you're going to have to give me more information as I finish another case which is more important then this one. I'm still a bit disappointed to the other people in this squad.".

7:35 AM
October, 28, 2022

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