Day 13, 1st Day of the Month of Hunting

Start from the beginning

"So, let's get down to business," Winfrey said, before strutting down the hall, and we hurried to follow. "So, I doubt you've managed to ignore those long pockets in your outfit, so I'll let you know that those are sheaths, and we're going to fill them now."

"Where are we going, then?" Holly asked, jogging to keep up with Winfrey's long stride."

"The armoury of course." He replied, before turning to the other two rangers. "You two, go head down to the storage and see if you can rustle up some practice sabres."

While the other rangers ran off down the halls, Winfrey led us into the armoury, a large, stone room with rows of weapons on the walls, and a pile of knives lying on a box in the middle of the room.

"Each of you grab a Saxe knife, and we'll go from there," Winfrey commanded, gesturing to the box in the middle as we reached the centre of the room.

Holly was the first to reach for a knife, grabbing a thick, solid steel knife, and I followed suit, surprised a bit by the weight. I waved it around a bit, its extended blade dancing through the air, a perfect balance of steel, a mere extension of my hand. Holly tried to mirror my action, but clumsily dropped the weapon, dancing back as it fell hard to the ground.

"Never held a real knife, have you, girl?" Winfrey asked, picking up her knife and handing it back to her handle first. "A tip: if you haven't got a damned clue what you're doing, then don't wave it around like a bloody baton! At Least Collin here seems to know how to handle a knife. Ever been in a swordfight, lad?

Holly blushed, as I answered Winfrey. "Yes, I studied sword fighting, fencing, and sharpshooting for a few years before I came here."

"Oh, good, good," Winfrey replied, running his hands through his course beard. I'll have Gillian test you up while I get Robert to train the young lady up. He had an apprentice before we had to leave, he'll be glad to train someone. As for you, boy, why don't you fill the sheaths and grab a sword belt off of the hook over there. Grab one of the good ones, the older ones looked like they'd fall apart at any second. Grab a rifle and pistol while you're at it, and some ammo. Then head over to Gillian and give him a fight."

I quickly hurried to grab one of the belts Winfrey had pointed to, strapping it on before grabbing a rifle and pistol, strapping the rifle across my shoulder, and the pistol to my waist. Then I grabbed a few cartons of bullets, pouring them into one of the bags around my belt. Then, after giving Holly a reassuring smile as Winfrey taught her the various functions of the knives, I headed out the door, jogging down the hall towards the storage rooms, to meet with Gillian.

I found Gillian head-first inside a bag of broken swords, a pile of semi-functional wooden blades lying beside him.

"ahem." I coughed, gathering his attention. "Winfrey sent me down here to challenge you to a fight."

"What?" Gillian asked, obviously surprised by the request. "Has Winfrey lost his mind? He knows I'd cut you down in an instant with a real sword."

"Actually, sir, I've had a decent amount of practice." I said, correcting him. "That's why Winfrey sent me down here, so that you could test how good I am."

"Well, in that case..." Gillian said, before he quickly whipped around, pulling his knife from his sheath and stabbing at me, surprising me, as I only just managed to step back, clumsily pulling my sword out as Gillian sprung up, leading another attack on me, which I narrowly deflected. He backed up, and I recovered, setting up my stance before Gillian attacked again. He sprung forward with the speed of a hurricane, but this time I was ready. I deflected his blade, instead launching an attack of my own, forcing through his powerful lunge to draw my sword inside his defence. However, he used the metal plate of his wristlet to deflect my sword from his chest, and we broke apart, each of us pausing to begin circling each other.

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