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The harsh scorching sun makes itself noticeable as the extraordinarily humid Summer makes its way across the dry plains surrounding the large town of Blackwater. But as the sweltering heat hits the dark pavement bricks for roads inside the town, outside is where the heat is being trapped as there is little to no source of shade making the soon to be ranchers or owners of Beechers Hope feel like melting. This group may also been more infamously known as the Van Der Linde Gang. Followers of the silver tongue twisting man, Dutch Van Der Linde. Alongside the maniac of a leader as the PDA, Pinkerton Detective Agency, enjoy calling him are the infamous Hosea Matthews and Arthur Morgan. But the right-hand-woman per say is the younger sibling of Dutch's right-hand man, Arthur Morgan, Y/N Morgan.

During these final days of living in the Wild West era of gunslingers and outlaws, the Van Der Linde Gang plot a robbery upon a boat docking in at Blackwater to make it's cargo to the bank. But before any of this is able to happen, Dutch, Y/N, and Micah Bell, a newer member of the gang, decide to rob the boat as it's being ported in and grab the money before it's able to reach the bank. But because of how much security will be trying to protect the goods, most of the gang will be apart of the heist besides the women who work to make the camp a home, and a few others who are either too old, too ill, or couldn't give a shit stay behind.

But Hosea and Arthur have a different plan. This pair have decided that they will complete a job that they have already planned out and afterwards, meet the gang on their way back. But the future timeline of a week in advance show otherwise. Unlike how the Gang planned out, the boat heist was unsuccessful and was transformed into a massacre where a young innocent girl by the name of Heidi, was murdered in cold blood by the hands of Dutch Van Der Linde. A few gang members that had also been accomplices where either injured, killed, or arrested and on trial for a hanging. These few members whom were injured consist of John Marston, Charles Smith, Y/N Morgan, Jenny Kirk and Davey Callander. Unfortunately for the last two though, they were unable to make it. Sean McGuire and Mac Callander are still trying to be found but have been assumed to be either dead or arrested.


By 1899, the age of outlaws and gunslingers was at an end.

America was becoming a land of laws...

Even the west had mostly been tamed.

A few gangs still roamed but they were being hunted down and destroyed.


The wind blows harshly sending snow everywhere, while whistling to scare you even more if you weren't already. It was beginning to get dark so by the next hour, you wouldn't be able to see a thing. Not that the average human eye would be able to see anything through this snowstorm that seemed more of a blizzard at the moment. Horses whined as they walked along the snowy mountain carrying wagons behind them. The snowstorm was getting worse by the minute, and if the Van Der Linde Gang didn't find somewhere to stay by night well, they were all going to freeze to death.

Reverend Swanson decided to take the new found news of their horribly injured fellow gang member as he jumped out the back from one of the wagons and walked to the first wagon. "Abigail says he's dying Dutch. We'll have to stop at some place," he informs the man. "Ok. Arthur's out looking, I sent him ahead," replies Dutch ever so calmly even though it doesn't match the state that he and his gang are in.

Not a moment later, Hosea decides to speak up. "If we don't stop soon we'll all be dying. This weather it's, May. I just hope that the law got as lost as we did," he says. Then over in the distance, they hear a horse whining. "There," says Dutch spotting a man on horse in the distance. "Arthur! Any luck?" he yells. "I found a place where we can get some shelter," replies Arthur. "Let Davey rest while, you know.."

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