Kratos vs Titans

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Titans formed a new realm, and now Uranus, King of Titans launched a full on invasion and he is like 15 feet tall, Odin death and Frigga death, made him stronger, Thor and Loki and Tyr revived Fenrir, Tyr rules Hel, Hel was free from the duties and now wanders freely, and now Uranus attacked Kratos in Asgard, Kratos mentioned how he cut off Surt Fingers one after another, and he dropped his hands and how Frey got Summer Sword in the end, and killed him, with Kratos and Odin, Titans sending an Invasion army from Beyond the Realms, but the Eagle, Dragon and Squirrel United with Kratos and killed their armies, sending them to newer realms and attacked by Elves and Dwarves and Humans, died out, with Zeus and Olympians, Dagda and Tuathe De Nannan, Shiva and Hindu Gods, an onslaught happened as they all United attacked Uranus and Kronos, they killed the Earth Titans out of anger, Gaia and Ouranos were the Primordial Brings without Children in real life.

Titans, Cyclopes and Hundred Handed Ones, were the first inhabitants of Earth and Hundred Handed Ones multipled and attacked Titans one after another, Typhoon was Orignal King of Titan Realms etc, and now Kratos called out and defeated Annunaki killers too, Kratos and Faye, defeated everyone, revealing themselves as Fahabuti and Laufey, and now Arterius aka Loki, new Loki, grown up defeated Titan Kings and rules the Realms ever since.

The End.

Kratos is so badass he ends it very quickly nothing much to write lol, yeah Magni and Modi and Thor are alive too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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