5- Eggs

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I've never been a huge fan of eggs. I mean, I could always just take them or leave them. That is, until one day in Luka Couffaine's garage when my feelings about eggs were solidified.

Adrien watched as the snake made its way toward the egg that had been placed into its terrarium. He was crouched so he could have a closer look. The rock music that the band had been practicing stopped at Luka's lead.

"Hey, guys," he said with an excited smile. "Sass has found his breakfast."

Adrien stood upright again as Luka and the twins, Matt and Mark, hurried over. Lynetta followed at a slower pace.

I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing, there was certainly no place for them in my diet.

"Oh, man," Matt said with a grin as Sass started to open his mouth wide to start taking in the egg whole. "That's so cool. He doesn't even have to chew. I mean, think of all the time you'd save."

I could've gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw if it hadn't been for Lynetta. She had a major-league thing for Luka Couffaine.

"I think it's gross," Lynetta said, watching in disgust as the snake started to swallow the egg whole, its mouth opening much wider than Adrien thought it should be able to.

He and Mari's brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band, and Lynetta would watch them practice.

"That is so neat..." Mark said in awe as the snake began closing its mouth around the egg. Now there was a large egg-shaped bulge in its throat, its pale skin turning pink with how it stretched.

"How about that, huh, Adrien?" Asked Mark. 

"Yeah," Adrien replied, though he was obviously as disgusted as his sister. "Neat."

"So, Adrien," Luka started with a smile. "How do you think he's gonna digest that?"

"Stomach acid?" Adrien replied with a hopeful glance at Luka.

"You'd like to think that," he replied with a small smirk, though it soon faded when his attention fell back on his snake. "Wait, everybody quiet. Here he goes."

The snake began to move, bending its body. With everyone so quiet, they could hear the sound of the egg's shell being cracked inside the snake.

"Eggs over easy," Luka grinned, while Lynetta started shaking her head.

"Gross," she muttered to herself before stepping back and starting to turn away from the show. "Gross, gross, gross."

"Wait, wait," Luka called her attention back. "You haven't seen the best part."

Sass opened his mouth wide again, and with more bending movements in its entire body, the broken shell made its way back up and the snake practically spit it out. Lynetta repeated another, "gross."

I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take. I started having bad dreams. I'd be trapped inside a huge egg and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me. I'd wake up just in time.

Then the real nightmare began.

Adrien went to answer the front door when there was a knock. It was Mari holding a small open box full of brown eggs.

"Hi, Adrien," she said with a smile. "I brought these over for you and your family. My chickens are laying eggs."

"What?" He asked, taking the box of eggs from her as she handed them over.

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