Is this hell? Cause it sure is cold.

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 What? What is going on right now? OMG, what time is it? My phone's dead of course it is. 


"AH! Who are you deadass?"

"Um Alice, and this is Bella deadass?"

Okay, so I'm crazy, okay. I mean it's not like this is weird or anything yk.

"Okay, so where am I right now?" I asked confused as hell.

"You're in Forks, Washington" Alice? Said. 

"Forks? Oh Hell Naw, they namin' places after utensils now? C'mon"

"Yeah, we don't have time to dilly dally, so you're coming with us." The Basic pick me said. Who does this bitch think she is, 'cause, she gettin' on my nerves already. I can't.

"Uhm, okay" I said fully ready to jet if they kidnapped me. 

Then we walked out and I was shoved into the back seat of a silver Hyundai. 

"C'mon now, a Hyundai? You couldn't do better than this? Also, I can sit by myself thank you very fucking much." I said looking at a wannabe Britt Barbie.  

It took us three fucking days, DAYS to get to this place in the middle of nowhere called Volterra Italy. which I mostly spent sleeping, but, they also filled me in a little, like how Bella's ex-bf was toxic and left her, and when he thought she committed suicide, he wanted to. Like, talk about a chain reaction. 

"C'mon, Bella's gonna make it there, but we have to go right now" Alice said. 

We ran to this creepy-looking building, she broke the crusty lock and we walked in to see these two fine-ass Italian men looking at us. I'm not gonna lie, I was tryna leave with one, iykyk. 

"Who is this human?" The giant said.

"Look, I don't know who you're talking to Mr. Fe fi fo fum, but you need to stop looking at me like that, 'cause imma start thinking you're a perv, which is not a good look." I said, and he looked away, ofc he did, I'm me. 

Then, we walked a fucking mile and it took forever, I don't understand, 'cause like, the building isn't that big, it just goes on forever. Finally, we come to a door. like a tall ass door. and this short-ass girl opens it with no problem whatsoever.

"I send you out to get one, and you bring back 2 and 2 halves." this short boy said, I'm assuming that the girl and boy are twins, cause they look alike. 

"Baby, I know you lying. Sweetie, 2 halves make a whole, I don't know what the schools are like here in Italy, but you should've known that." I said laughing.

"Excuse me?" he said.

"no, I'm sorry, go on." I said chilling out. 

"Ah, young Bella is alive, how wonderful." this man says.

"AH! where on god's green earth did you come from? 'Bout gave a girl a heart attack over here, Imma put a bell on your ass." I said holding my heart. 

Then, I heard it, a sound that had me doubled over in laughter. WAP is playing from my alarm, oh, also, I charged my phone on the flight. better yet, the alarm was for my birth control. The horror on everyone's faces was enough to have me on my knees with laughter.  

The End of First Chapter. 

Hey! Hope you guy's liked it!~~~~Thatwascheesy19

Gen Z in Twilight;specifically New MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora