Bob: wow, that's some good singing.

Tord: agree dude.

Bob: maybe me and her will be a perfect couple.

Tord: pardon?

Bob: we know you're evil Tord, we know you aren't perfect for Sayori.

Tord: and who said you were perfect for her!

Java: boys, settle down, princess Sayori still needs to finish her song.

Sayori: 🎶My prince will be tall and handsome.🎶

(*Bob stretches his arms*)

Sayori: 🎶My prince, will be tough as nails.🎶

(*Tord snaps a tree branch in half*)

Sayori: 🎶My prince will have lots of money, my prince, will tame wild whales.🎶

Sky: she's doing a good job at singing, I don't think I would be a good singer than her.

Ski: it's ok sis, I think you're a good singer.

Sayori: 🎶When we kiss, my prince will be you!🎶

Java: and that was a perfect song, but, Sayori isn't the only princess, as she had two younger sisters, princess sky, and princess Ski.

(*Sky and Ski landed on the ground*)

Sky: hey boys.

Blu: hi there princesses.

Java: don't get too comfortable boys, cause something bad is gonna happen right now!

(*a speedy horse passes the boys and snatches the princesses*)

Ski: help us boys!

(*the speedy horse dashes away*)

Bob: is that what you meant by something bad!

Java: yep, the princesses were kidnapped by a bad guy which they will be stuck in their castle, so, why don't we head there.

(*after they got there*)

Java: well, we're here now.

Bob: there they are!

(*Bob points to the top*)

Sky: please save us!

Java: ok, now here's how this will work, you all will be given a wooden sword and, during the night, the team decided to build a animatronic dragon for you guys to fight, whoever slays the dragon and gets to the top of the dragons castle will win the final invincibility of today's challenge.

Tord: well, where's the dragon?

Java: right there.

(*the animatronic dragon flies over to them*)

Java: here's your wooden swords.

(*Java tosses the boys their wooden swords*)

Java: now, destroy the dragon!

(*after the dragon fight*)

(*Tord defeats the animatronic dragon*)

Java: the dragon has been slayed, climb the castle to save the princesses.

(*Bob starts climbing it*)

Tord: oh no you dont!

(*Tord grabs onto bobs leg*)

Tord: I am not losing the princesses to you blue hair pronoun freak!

Bob: well, have a fun way down buddy!

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