I yell out, grbbing everyones attention.

"What, whats going on?"
Hes says anxiously.

"So basicly saiki was supposed to meet up with me so we can eat lunch with you guys but i guess a bunch of stundents from my class and Coles class just started throwing shit at him."

"So why did you come here before helping him-?!"

"Dont worry jaysons helping him but come on lets go."
I say grbbing his rist dragging him to the entrance of the caffetira.

We barrge through the hell hole of students to see Jayson kinda sheilding saiki but failling miserably because of the students in the back also throwing things.

Me, Jess, Carson and Zace get to the middle and help Jayson get Saiki out of the absolute heard of students.
We finnally get him out and see Jayson and Saiki coverd in gunk, they look like shit.

"Man i dont have any other clothes, im going to have to go home for the day."
Jayson said frowning.

"Yea im going to have to go too."
Saiki says lookimg down at his shirt.

(Saiki's pov) [holy shit another pov-]

I go to the secratary and call my mom to come pick me up, as im calling i notice Cole and his friends taking pictures of me.
I get up and go further into the hallway next to the secratairy desk and hide there wait for my mom.

A few minutes pass and she calls me saying shes arrived.

I already hate this school, its only the third day like, whats up with that?
What the fuck did i do???
I walk out the hallway and i no longer see Cole and his shit eating friends.
I got lucky with Finn and his friends to come help me with stuff like that but i can handle my self godamit.
Its alot more worring however, ive been slowly loosing my powers ever since i got here.
The only way i know is because im having trouble reading pepoles thoughts.

I walk out the doors to find my moms car parked not to far away from the door.
I enter the car.

"Hey honey howd you get so dirty?"

"I just fell in a puddle."
I lied obviously.

"Can i stay home for the rest of the day?"

"Yea sure but you have to do all the homework you missed on the first week."


We drive off to my house.

After a while of driving i get to my road, i look out my window and see Finns house.

We drive further down the road and eventualy get to my home at last.

I get out the car and head inside.
I put my bag down and head to my room.

A few hours have passed now and im pretty sure school has ended by now.
I just hope Jayson didnt go back to school, he really didnt need to help or get involved.
I actually feel a little bad for him, poor guy.

I decided to do some homework that i was supposed to do earlier.

Minutes turns into an hour and i finish my home work.

I hear my doorbell ring.
'Damit i really dont want to deal with whoever the hell just came here'

"Oh hi there Finn!"
I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

'Oh its Finn, still i dont feel like dealing with him.'

"Oh hello ms. I was just here to check up on saiki after todays events."

'Shit thats right i lied to my mom, im going to have to stop him before he tells mg mom.'
I run down the stairs.

"Oh really what happened."
I stood behind my mom.

I look at Finn from over her sholder, i noded my head from side to side.
Finn looked at me like he got the message.

"Oh nothing bad i was just here wondering why he left school so suddenly."
He said nervously.

"Oh ok then ill go get Saiki for you, come in."
She turns around.

"AH-! Saiki! Jesus you scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry i just heard you guys upstairs so i came down."

"Well then, Finns here so why dont you show him your room."

"Alright, here follow me."
I grab him hand and lead him up to my room quickly.

We reach my room and close the door roughly.
Finn looks at me confused.

"Finn what the fuck-!"

"What-?! What did i do??"

"This whole thing with you, your friends and your ex that what you did!"

"Ok and?? We helped you, i helped you get away from thoes assholes so why are you angry at me???"

"I just want you guys to leave me alone!!"

"Why are you so reserved! What did i do to deserve this??"

"Nothing you didnt do anything but everything wouldve been better if you had just left me alone! Then your ex wouldve left me alone and maybe after a while some of our class mates!
Heck! Jay wouldnt have gone through what he had to go through today!"

"Ok i get it, ill just leave."
He turns away heading towards the door.

He leaves the room as i stand there processing what my current situation is.
I know hes just trying to help but i can do this alone.
I remember how Cole took pictures of me before i left school.
I turn around and leave my room to chase after him.

"Finn! Finn listen-"
I find him in the door way.

"No i get it im going."

"I dont care about that but just so you know if you dont resolve your promblems with your ex your going to start having a problem with me."

"What why?"

"That shit head with his friends started taking photos of me."

"Ok and?? Its not my problem anymore. You dont want my help remember?"

"Look it came out the wro-"

"Really how then-?!"
Finn yelled at me.

"I didnt mean for it to sound like i didnt like that you helped me its just i can handle it on my own without other pepole dragging me problems, i also just dont want you to get involved with something you dont need to. Im sorry."
I looked away feelling a little bad.

"Whatever, ill see you tomorrow."
He turns away and steps down the steps.

I say quiet enough for him to not to hear me.
I walk back inside feeling terrible for convaying my words the wrong way.
Since when did i start carring?
sorry for not posting i lost motivation for a while BUT im back and will be updating a lot more like in the begining anyways i hope this chapter wasnt too bad!
Till next time!

Can't Remember Just To Forget You. (saiki k x Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now