Chapter 5

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(Before reading the rest of the story, I'm finally going to call the daughter's name Aria Clover. And the mother named Yeona Clover. Cause why not, they both seem good names to me. Ok back to the story!)

After Bonnie got picked up from her school with her mom, they first dropped off at the grocery store to pick up some necessities that they need back at home. "Alright honey, come on now, we got to pick up some food for back at home". Said her mom. "Alright mom!". Said Bonnie opening the car door while jumping off from the car seat before closing it behind her.

As they both got inside the store, Jesse unzipped her backpack and got out for some air, or at least tried to. "Phew, gosh. What a day back there at the school. I hope they don't take too long in there". She said sitting at the back seat resting her head there for a moment.

She took a breather and realized something. Bonnie's drawing, Jesse got up and pulled out the paper that she brought with, looking at it once more. "....Woody.....wish you were here pal. Life ain't easy with you gone, and myself as a replacement of you, and as a leader too...". She muttered the last sentence under her breath.

9 years back...

"Alright alright, everyone settle down now. Hey, I have an announcement to make so listen up". Said Woody. Every toy stopped talking including Jesse and Buzz as well, turning their heads towards Woody. "Thank you. *ahem*, as you may know or not. Andy is going to have a sleepover at his room with one of his friends tonight right?. So, we have to be prepared AND our best behavior for tonight alright? Meaning, no fights, no complaining, and definitely not being jealous of each other who gets to be played with or not tonight. Got it? Andy loves us all separately no matter what toy he gets to choose to spend time with,Understand?". He said.

"Yes Woody!". Said everyone. "Good, now. Let's try and make ourselves at least ready for the sleepover. Everyone is dismissed". He said dropping down to the floor as everyone separated from each other doing they're own thing like usual. "Hey Woody, mind if I talk with you for a moment?". Asked Buzz. "Oh, sure thing Buzz". He said. "Great, let's go somewhere more private to chat". He said.

As he walked towards the slight opening door of Andy's closet. "Let's go in here, come on". said Buzz running towards it as Woody ran behind him catching up. Buzz stopped to his tracks and opened the door a little wider letting himself and Woody inside before closing it slightly where no one could see nor bother them.

Buzz turned on a flashlight that was inside the closet, however it was small so there some little bit of brightness between the two of them and Buzz lift the small flashlight to stand it at least, and it did stood there as it shine a little more to the closet. Seeing each other perfectly as he wanted it to.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?". Asked Woody curious to know. Buzz sighs before responding. "I...I wanted to hear some helpful advice from you. Of how to be in a good relationship for me and Jesse, since we have started dating and all heh, I just don't want to ruin it and be on good terms with her. Just like you with Bo peep". He said chuckling nervously.

"O-Oh, ok sure thing Buzz. I'll definitely love to help you on your relationship terms with Jesse. Your my best friend after all Hehe." He said smiling at Buzz filled with joy helping him with a great opportunity like this before. "Ok then, what do I do to win her over towards me?". Asked Buzz. "First thing, is you gotta get to knew her characteristics, like what she likes and dislikes of things. And understand her emotions whenever she feels like letting it out to you, as a true lover. Feeling comfortable in talking personal things that make herself feel better if you listen, and give her some sweet advice of yours in order to be at ease.

And treat her like you mean it as a queen in front of her. With all your heart and soul of how much you love her. And trust me, Jesse will do the same thing to you as well. If you follow these steps from me, like I did with Bo, alright?". He said. "I understand Woody, thank you. But...can I ask you something else?". He said. "Sure thing Buzz, what is it?". Said Woody.

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