Chapter 4

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After Bonnie's mom dropped her off from her school and got hugged by her little daughter, she went into the classroom and seated herself in the farthest table she could find, since she didn't make any friends yet. But hopefully soon enough once she is comfortable of her classmates and her teacher as well. Jesse was still inside her backpack looking at Bonnie and everything else of her surroundings from her transparent bag.

("Let's see what they will be doing today in class. I just hope Bonnie is alright and doesn't get bullied by the other kids. Now that's going to be a big problem for her. I don't want that to happen"). She thought as she payed close attention once the teacher closed the door and started off the class. "Alright everyone, I want you all to grab a piece of paper and some colored pencils with you on the table for me please". She said.

All the children including Bonnie grabbed a piece of paper and went back to their seats with color pencils. "Alright class, now I want you children to draw an image inside your creative minds and draw it on the paper, and do tell me what it is once all of you are done". She said smiling. Bonnie started to think of something to draw and finally got an idea, beginning to draw with several colored pencils she had next to her.

Jesse looked above at a far distance trying to see what she was drawing. After Bonnie finished drawing a character she imagined she smiled happily. "Alright everyone, are you all done?". She asked. The kids nodded in agreement. "Okay then, I'll will walk to each and every one of you one by one and see your beloved drawings!". She said. Bonnie looked at her drawing and lifted it up to see it in full view of her like looking at an art portrait at a museum.

After she lifted her paper up, Jesse finally got to see what Bonnie drew, she was shocked at what she saw on the paper. It was a drawing of Woody and herself, with the title saying 'Sheriff Partners'. Jesse drop down on Bonnie's bag and put a hand to her mouth. She suddenly shook her head trying to remember Buzz's words inside of her head. ("No Jesse. Keep it together, just because Bonnie remembers Woody now, doesn't mean she misses him nor pays much attention since I replaced his role as leader. Right?....") she thought.

"Oh Bonnie, what do you have here sweetie?" Asked the teacher. Bonnie lifted her paper up to show her teacher of what she drew while explaining it to her. "These are my toys, sheriff Woody and Jesse. Do you like it?". She asked. The teacher smiled at her in joy. "It's wonderful Bonnie, I love it. I think it is a good drawing of your toys". She said. Bonnie giggled slightly. Feeling good about herself from the compliment.

"Okay class, bring me your papers on my desk and I will choose which drawings of yours is better to be put on my board behind me. And I'll give one of you a reward for your hard work". She said. All the kids happily smiled walking towards her desk putting their papers down and Bonnie's too. *Ring Ring* the bell started to rang on the speaker. "Okay everyone, it's lunch time. Make a single file line and stand through the door until I say you may go, okay?". She said. The kids replayed 'yes ma'am' to her and waited.

The teacher opened the door from her class and let the kids walk towards the cafeteria. After everyone left with the door now closed. Jesse began to unzip Bonnie's backpack to let herself free. She dropped to the floor and ran towards the desk, lifting herself up from the chair and towards the table. She catches her breath a little before calming down looking at the drawing for a moment. She looked at herself then at Woody.

"Why would Bonnie draw Woody? If she doesn't pay attention to him anymore. Why now? *sigh*, I need to take a breather here and focus on her for now. I need to let the gang know once we come back". She said.


"Come on Woody, we're almost there". Said Bo crawling a little fast. "Wait, just..hold on Bo. Your crawling too fast for me". Said Woody trying to catch up while giggle was resting on his shoulder. Bo crawled more until she stopped giving Woody and giggle to hand sign to hault. "We're here". She said seeing through the vent down below, looking at all the children with other toys playing. "Look here Woody, check it out". She said. Woody looked through the vent and saw children and toys being played with, seeing their smiles of joy and happiness while doing so.

Toy Story: Woody's New Kid OwnerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu