Chapter 1

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"I'm going to miss all of you guys, but I will never forget about y'all. I swear". Said Woody smiling at his old crew one last time. "I know you won't Woody, and neither are we going to forget about you. Especially Bo here, Heh, take care of him for us will ya". Said Buzz. "I sure will Buzz, I promise". She said smiling. "Good luck out there Woody, be safe. I hope will see each other again some day, real soon". Said Jesse.

"I really do hope so Jesse, I'll try and track you guys". Said Woody. "You better, I have hope in ya. Partner". She said giving him a hug. Woody hugged her back before letting go and seeing everyone around him, remembering their faces and all the good times they had while being together for so long until now. "So long everyone, take care of Bonnie for me". He said. "We will Woody, she will be alright". Said Buzz.

"And One more thing...Buzz?". Said Woody. "Yeah? What is it?". "". Suddenly they all heard the car starting to run and all of them and Woody went into their own separate ways from each other. Woody's crew into Bonnie's van while Woody and Bo on top of a tower where they see everyone and Bonnie herself driving away from the fair, going back home.

Woody felt a bit disappointed for leaving his old gang behind, but at the same time he felt a bit of relief of letting go of Bonnie as her owner and decided to move on becoming a lost toy just like Bo, his lover. However, he didn't finish what he was trying to tell to Buzz. Something that he was hiding for all those years, and it kind of broke him a bit to not tell. But I guess he will have to wait to see him again real soon, if he could ever find him and the crew.

"Woody? Are you okay?". Asked Bo. Woody sighs looking at her. "I'm fine, it's just. I never got to tell Buzz when all of us got interrupted". He said. Bo was curious of his response. "What we're you going to tell him about?". She asked. "I don't think you wouldn't want to hear me say it." He said looking at the scenery in front of him. Bo placed a hand to his shoulder.

"Woody, it's alright. There is nothing in the world that would make me feel upset about you, ever. I'm always going to be with you and support you no matter what. Even our friends we have right now". She said reassuring him. "You sure? Do you mean it?". He said. "I'm not sure Woody. I know I am, so don't be afraid to tell me so". She said. Woody sighs heavily and smiled.

"Well, what I was trying to tell him. Is that.....I love him. And care so much about him, not as a friend,
It was more than that. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you more than Buzz Bo. I....loved the both of you, so much. That I thought, we could of worked something out. The three of us, love each other equally. And be in a good relationship, but I mean, I know you don't like buzz in that kind of way. I totally understand it.

You two could still be friends, and still hang out without any awkwardness between the two of you. But I hope being able to accept sharing each other, with me as both my lovers. But....I don't think it will never happen or work. Which is totally fine! I'm fine of me and you only! I love you so much Bo, no matter what. Forever and always. I just gotta try and let go of Buzz as well, since he is with Jesse and all. Heh.....this is kind of stupid of me saying that.

Your probably mad at me or something because of this. Aren't you". He said looking at Bo, seeing her still smiling at him which was a surprise. Bo laughed slightly and blushed a little at Woody holding his hands to hers. "Oh Woody, your so silly at times and so darn cute when your worried and over thinking yourself. Trust me, I'm not mad or upset about this". She said.

"Y..Your not?". He said still in shock. "Of course not. Besides, I always had a hunch that you liked Buzz too. And, your not the only one who would think of something like this as well." She said. "W-Wait W-What?!, knew about this? For how long? were alright with what I was saying to you and good with that idea!". He asked in shock of Bo being calm and chill with this situation.

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