if D had said yes (26)

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Hello there! Do you have headcanons in a scenario where D actually accepts Leila's granddaughter's invitation at the end of Bloodlust?

Note: At the end of the film, the nigh-immortal D keeps his end of the bargain, arriving just after Leila's burial sixty years later. She didn't die alone after all: her grave is surrounded by her family, including her granddaughter.

My memory is sketchy on his location to where Leila was being buried. I have to dig it out from a movie collection of about 900 movies. S/o ran a movie theater for many years so he buys movies constantly so no clue where bloodlust is.

For some reason I seem to remember he was sitting on his horse under a tree. Sunlight Syndrome prevention...sorta.

What if D Said Yes.

D had promised the retired vampire hunter he would return as he had promised, so Leila was not forgotten in death. He pulls his cyborg horse to a halt under a large and old tree in the area. Well old enough for sixty years as the dhampir had found the tree as a sapling to plant here.

A beautiful spot to lay Leila to rest under when her time came. D had predicted in his mind that the fellow vampire hunter would find peace here, so Sacred Ancestor's son chose this exact spot.

His blue eyes look at all the family that is there to attend her funeral. A soft smile ghosts across his pale lips as D turns his head and taps his heels to start his horse walking.

That's when the voice of a young girl asks,"Hey, mister! Wait! Mister, wait! Um, excuse me, sir, but I was wondering if you knew my grandmother Leila... Yes. It's you, isn't it? My grandmother told me about you. So, I'd be honored if you could come to our house. My father would be so happy... Can you, please?"

His face turns to her to respond back, "I simply came to repay a favor to an old friend, who feared no one would mourn her death."

D admitted he was glad she was wrong. Yet how did her granddaughter sneak so quietly up for the Vampire hunter to almost not be sensed?

"Going to say yes? Or no?" A gruff voice sounds from his left hand. "The granddaughter has particularly memorizing blue eyes.."

D glances down to scowl at his Left hand and then clinches it shut. His eyes move to the blonde granddaughter of Leila.

"For a moment..." D says softly.

He lowers his right arm so the granddaughter can get on the back of his horse. She points to the town where she lives in with her father. Once more the tap of heels and the horse is cantering towards her home. The cyborg 'eats' the distance up at near dizzying speed and only at a canter.

Grandma Leila said her vampire hunting friend could enhance the performance of his horses. When on the outskirts of the town, the granddaughter points to the family house, with a large back yard.

. D knew Leila had amassed a good size fortune before retiring. Another faint smiles across his lips once more. Leila had taken his advice to return before the hunting took such a toll on her humanity. To have a long human life.

He walks the horse to the backyard fence and stops to set the granddaughter down. A man with dark long hair and blue eyes, senses the dhampir and stands up to greet D. His daughter rushes up to her father now and he quickly lifts her a little too graceful for a..human.

"Welcome to our place," the father says with a sort of hidden smile, like he has a secret.

And in fact he does..

"I had hoped you would keep your promise to my mother..
D," Leila's son states.

"It almost could be called home for me too.." D has a distant look in his eyes.

"Come D and join my family for a memorial feast.." as the son's hand waves to the picnic tables with loads of food.

D contemplates just leaving once more when Lefty chimes in,"Go on grandaddy and see just how much he is just like you.."


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