"You move one inch I'll fucking slit your throat right here and your blood will be the last drink you have," remembering the threat I heard my mother use on someone not so long ago I press the dagger closer the boy stands slowly behind me holding his chest and coughing.

"What's your name," I ask the boy.

"Sebastian," his head hangs low and he stuffs the substance in his coat pocket. "Thank you..."


"Dahlia, are you going to say something or are we going to lay here forever-"

"I'm getting married," I practically choke on the words blurting it out.

He repeatedly blinks, licking his blood dry lips and his eyebrows furrow.

"You're getting married," the word leaves his mouth as if he's foreign to it. I nod, my throat grows dry at the silence that grows between us.

I go to say something, anything but he breaks the silence first, "So, who's the lucky bastard?"

"Armando. Armando Estevez," his eyes widen and he sits up.

"Fuck, Estevez," his tone bitter.

"Why'd you say it like that," a small frown on my lips looking into his brown eyes.

"It's ju-" before he can finish his sentence Freya, another guard my mother assigned me clears her throat. "Sorry to interrupt, boss, your father is here to speak with you."

Sebastian rises to his feet helping me up. "Good talk, Liah and next time try not to hit this pretty canvas," he circles his finger around his face leaving the ring and exiting the gym.

A tired chuckle leaves me, "Freya, tell my father I'll be up in a minute." She nods, exiting the gym.


"Father," I pull the chair from beneath the glass table. My sweat is probably filling his nostrils, he shouldn't have popped up so unexpectedly.

"Hey darling," his eyes look between my eyes and my bruised knuckles, a pained expression twists across his face.

A silence lingers between us. "Where were you?" I look up at my dad, his fingers skim across the gray stubble on his chin, his head tilts the slightest.


"So I just don't deserve an explanation as to why my father wasn't there when I had to sign a contract for marriage?" My hands brush my hair back.

He opens his mouth to close it again, "Armando, and his family are inviting you to a masquerade ball in two days, you're dress has already been picked out and will be delivered tomorrow, a stylist will be sent to you," with that he stands and brushes his suit off ready to walk away.

"No, you won't just walk into this house after being gone this long, having the nerve to allow some man I don't even know waltz into my life," I walk towards my father. He looks up towards the ceiling refusing to look me in the eye.

"You," I stand in front of him. "You are a coward," clenching my jaw as the words escape my mouth.

"You were supposed to be there," he looks down at me, his eyes teary. "No, mother was there, she was there to see it but neither of you can cry or deserve my pity."

I deserve the truth. I should have been given the right to decide, but for some reason I can't feel the anger that was bubbling at my skin, the way my heartbeat quickened at that very moment.

It's as if now Im lingering onto the anger, trying to find some way to keep this betrayed feeling in my heart. I thought I would have to save the anger for my father, I thought then, then it would disappear.

It still lingers but I realize at this moment. The moment that he stands before me as my eyes meet his searching for anything as he purses his lips together not a word escapes his lips. He doesn't deserve my anger.

"Get out," I step out of his way, the door already open for him.

"Darl-" he doesn't make a step to move.

"Get the hell out!" A shout sounds throughout the room a shocked look written across his face and a maid passing by.

He swiftly walks away from me slamming the door on his way out.

I look up towards the round mirror that hangs on the wall, a chuckle escapes me. It slowly turns into a laugh. How fucking stupid could I be.

I shake my head, tears mixed with a loud laugh leaves me, causing me to slap my hand over my mouth. The laugh drowns out into a loud sob Freya coming around from the door looks at me grabbing her phone and typing something.

Tears stain my face and I feel as though the air has left my lungs. My breath grows heavy grabbing onto the coffee table in front of me. Why the fuck am I even crying.

"Dahlia," hands wrap around me forcing me to cry into a hard chest.

He brushes my hair back. "Just breathe with me Lia."

5, he inhales.

4, I inhale.

3, he exhales.

2, I exhale.





What a chapter! A lot of emotion? Yes.

Chapter 5 is on it's way soon. Follow for updates my loves. Sorry I took a bit to update

Word Count: 1586

Between Two Hearts 18+ | PAUSEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu