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Limbrey lead Pope and Belle to another room where there was a table filled with papers, books, and lots of other stuff. she lead the two teens to the table pulling out a photo with a key on it handing it straight to Pope, "do you recognize this?"

Pope looked at Belle and then the photo, "ring any bells?"

Belle looked at the older woman with an annoyed look on her face, "can you give him a minute?"

"no." Pope replied, "i'm sorry. it doesn't." he says handing her the photo.

Limbrey hummed looking at the boy, "you can keep that." she chuckled walking away when the man from earlier walked behind Pope and Belle, "come with me. i'd like to show you something. i think.. i think you'll find it interesting."

Belle and Pope turned around seeing the man, he lead the two outside following Limbrey, Belle immediately looked at the truck seeing JJ and Kiara looking out at them, Belle gave JJ her signal which was waving her finger in a circle carefully so the man wouldn't see. Pope reached for Belle's hand holding onto it tightly so they wouldn't get separated wherever Limbrey was taking them but the man held his hand out for Belle.

"you stay here." he told her.

"no. absolutely not, i'm not leaving him alone-"

"it's okay, Bells. i'll be okay." he assured her and walked off with Limbrey and the man.

Belle immediately turned around to face the truck and looked at her best friend and boyfriend in shock, JJ pointed to where they were walking and placed his fingers on his lips so she could walk quietly, nodding her head Belle quietly walked looking for Pope. Belle heard footsteps stepping aside to hide not seeing who was coming when Pope passed by her with a worried look on his face.

"P?" she whispered catching his attention.

"we're leaving. come on, let's go." Pope quickly said taking her hand and ran over to the gate which was locked.

"shit." Belle sighed as the two ran back only to see the man.

"what you got?" Pope asked as the man pulled a taser out of his jacket quickly running up to them.

"he has a taser. that's what he got shit."

Pope slapped the taser out of his hand and Belle threw a punch as the two immediately ran to the brick wall to climb over but the man pulled both Pope and Belle back down onto the ground pressing the taser.

"what you got?" the man mocked Pope standing over him grabbing the taser.

Belle slipped out of his grip kicking him in the stomach causing him to groan, Pope held him down onto the ground as Belle quickly stood up reaching for the taser when JJ and Kiara came running, JJ kicked the taser over to Kiara who picked it up, "come on!"

perfect harmony • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now