1.36 (bonus chapter)

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Belle walked out of her room seeing her parents sitting at the kitchen table with her brother. it had been a few weeks since John B and Sarah's disappearance, school was starting up in a few more weeks and Belle wasn't the same Belle she was at the beginning of the summer. she shut her door shoving her phone in her pocket making her way to the fridge grabbing a water before slamming the door shut.

"Belle." Zale sternly said.

the girl turned around looking at her brother avoiding eye contact with her parents.

"we gotta talk. sit down." he pulled out the chair next to him for her to sit, Belle walked over sitting down crossing her arms.

"oh my babies, look at you two-" Elizabeth started to say.

"cut the bullshit." Belle spat, "why are you guys back? after four years, you just decide to randomly come back?"

"we can explain that. we just need you two to hear us out." Noah calmly said.

"explain how you two somehow owed Barry money and with one little threat he gave you, you two just ran off and didn't think about your children?" Belle asked raising her eyebrows at her parents.

"we paid him back." Elizabeth said.

"how?" Zale asked.

"we went off to California, made our own business and it went great, when we realized how much money we had we thought it was a good time to come back. pay him off and get a better house for us down here." Noah explained, Belle scoffed shaking her head standing up.

"so you two just up and left California to come back here? after not speaking to us for four years thinking we can be a big happy family again?" Belle asked.

"we know it sounds bad-"

"yeah, it does." Zale snapped, "do you guys wanna know how hard we struggled the last four years? just so i can feed the both of us and keep a roof over our heads? how i had to pay for school all on my own!" he yelled.

"Zale, sweetie. we're sorry, we are! but we're back and we're trying." Elizabeth stated.

"you should just leave again. we don't need you." he argued.

"we moved the business down here to see you guys again. we bought a house in Figure Eight, where we can all live and make things right!" Noah stated looking at his son.

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