Chapter 20-A Sad Ending

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It was three in the morning in the loop. Y/n was currently spending the night at a friends house in modern day Cairnholm, due to be back early the next morning. This just so happened to the same night that wights had decided to attack. They were able to use their peculiarities to break into the house undetected. The eight wights immediately got to work. Two tied and gagged Millard. As an invisible boy if they didn't do so right away he'd easily escape their grasp, or worse, wake up everyone else.

The next step was obviously to restrain the ymbryne, who would literally give her life for her children. But they couldn't have that happening. Then the twins were both tied up as a few other wights smothered Emma in her sleep. The two things had dangerous peculiarities and posed a great threat to the wights. A shame the twins chittering woke up Claire, who they shared a room with. And she screamed. It woke up everyone who wasn't already up.

Olive jumped out of bed and was shocked to see three wights in her room. But her shock didn't last very long when she saw what they were doing to her roommate, Emma. She rushed right over, pulled off one of her gloves, and set the first wight, an abnormally tall woman, on fire. Olive watched in horror as her spine bent in all sorts of terrifying ways, being able to clearly hear the snaps and cracks it made as it grew longer, and she grew taller with it. What a horrific peculiarity.

The other two wights didn't bother trying to help their companion, and fled the scene after making sure their victim was dead. Olive made sure the fire didn't go out until the screaming woman in front of her was no longer breathing. Once that was handled she checked on Emma, finding that she was only one of two dead women in the room.

Though Olive knew she had no time for grief and left the room to make sure everyone else was safe. She heard screaming from outside and was quick to rush out the front door. Though she seemed to have walked right into a living nightmare.

One of the wights seemed to also have a strange control over plants, as there were four brand new trees in the yard that had never been there before. All oak, all the same size, and all four lined up next to each other. Miss Peregrine, Millard, and each of the twins were tied to one. Each of them struggled against their bounds, all of them yelling, though no one could really understand the twins.

One wight had managed to grab a screaming Claire as she tried to run away. He seemed more than aware of her second mouth and stayed far away from it as he carried her to the garden. When Fiona tried to stop him she was pulled away by large vines. He must've been the wight that grew the oak trees.

Miss Peregrine watched, screaming while she frantically tried to escape her bounds, as he drowned the youngest of her wards in the pond. Fiona tried her best to get away from the vines, to control them but this wights peculiarity was stronger than hers. Even if she managed to get away from the vines, it would be much too late to save Claire in time.

Miss Peregrine was already sobbing at this point as she looked around the yard. Eight wights had been reduced to seven, but even that wasn't very reassuring. Because as she continued to look she found that eleven wards had gone down to nine. Emma was nowhere to be found. She hoped that it was because the girl had run away, though she doubted it.

She watched as Enoch ran into the house, and as Olive freed Fiona with her fire. And as Hugh used his bees to attack wights. She was forced to watch as one wight, seemingly immune to the bee stings, walked straight through the swarm and towards Hugh. This group had clearly been picked by their peculiarities for what would best go against the peculiars residing in the loop.

Bronwyn disappeared into the house, following a wight that had been taunting her. And one wight began pacing along the four trees. Barron. He paused at one of the twin's tree for a moment and looked at the child. He then lifted a gun, and shot Miss Peregrine's ward in the head. He then continued walking, stopped at the next tree, and did the same with the other twin. Miss Peregrine had lost two more wards in a matter of ten seconds.

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