8. Confronting the Past

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"Can I help you?"

You turn around on instinct, your blood running cold. Please don't say it's-

Yeah, it's him.

The faintest expression of shock dawns his face as you turn around and he sees your face.

"(Y/n)..." he mumbles.

"JAPAN!!" Hinata yells out in shock, gathering everyone's attention.

Yachi's jaw dropped. The Ushiwaka???

"Ushijima," your tone was blunt.

"You go to Karasuno now," he states. It wasn't a question, he had been keeping tabs on you.


Kageyama, Yachi, and Hinata were looking back and forth between the two of you like watching a tennis match. Yachi didn't really understand what was going on, but the cold atmosphere of everything was enough to keep her quiet. And while Kageyama and Hinata didn't know the full story, they knew enough to be shocked at what was happening.

"How is your injury," he looks down at your leg.

"All good." You cross your arms and glance to the side before looking back.

"You are understandably cold," his gaze never left you.

"Yeah. But at least you get it."

"(Y/n).. I apologize for what I-"

"Don't." You glare at him. "Just don't. It's over with, can we move on?"

He contemplated it for a moment. "Well, if that's it, I'll be on my way." It was hard to tell, but anyone who knew him well could see that he looked upset.

Kageyama stepped forward. "Would it be all right if we observe your practice?"

"Karasuno. You're the team that uses an unconventional quick set. Do whatever you want. Whatever your skill level is.. watching us won't make us weak." He gives you one last look before turning around. "I'm on my way back to the school right now. If you want to watch, follow me. If you can keep up, that is."

Kageyama and Hinata immediately start warming up.

"You're coming right? We won't lose anything by going to watch one of the teams we'll beat on our way to the Spring Tourney," Kags says, earning a glare from Ushijima.

"You bet I'm going." Hinata replies.

Yachi was looking around frantically, scared for the two idiots lives.

You stood off to the side. Did you want to go? Did you really want to go see the school life you could've had...

"(Y/n)." You look up and meet Ushijima's eyes. "I do hope you'll come with me. I know you still have ill feelings but.." you look at the ground.

"I don't know..." you kick a rock on the sidewalk, sending it into the road.

Ushijima took big strides over to you and grabbed your hands. "One last favor? And then I will leave you alone if that is what you wish."

His hands were warm, and despite them being very sweaty from the running, you felt a strong sense of nostalgia and comfort. "....fine." You couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lit up.

Just like Kageyama and Hinata, you did some stretches to get ready for a run. Yachi was freaking out.

"W-wait! What if you die!!" She grabbed onto your shirt. "You can't die!"

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