hey, doc look what i just found 8

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The trailer was silent. That was until one by one the kidnappers entered the trailer, shutting the door behind them.

"We got everyone fooled and everyone thinks it was just another ordinary day of work. Where's the bag?" The leader asked.

The woman walked towards the closet and pulled out a brown toon proof bag. "Right here, boss."

The leader smirked. "Excellent. Let's go before someone catches us."

The other man hummed in thought. "Boss? The bag isn't moving."

"So?" The boss asked.

"Do you think... they ran out of air? Or maybe suffocated?" The man asked with worry.

The woman nodded in agreement as she dumped the bag over a table. There wasn't any movement coming from the bag. "He's right boss. Dead toons won't bring us any money."

The boss groaned. "Great. Just great. Fine, I'll open it and check to see if they're alive." The boss slowly untied the bag as his lackeys looked above his shoulders. He opened a bit. His eyes widened and forcefully opened the rest of the bag. They gasped.

At the bottom of the bag laid the three Warner siblings, completely unmoving. No rise and fall of their chests. Nothing.

"Shit, boss! We killed them!" The woman cried out of panic.

"What are we gonna do!?" The other man asked.

The boss groaned. "Dump them in the trash. No one will be the wiser." He rolled his eyes. "Great! Now how are we going to get rich!?" He returned to the other kidnappers.

He arched an eyebrow as they stared in shock. He groaned. "What? Spit it out!"

They both gulped and pointed behind him. The leader turned to look and his face paled.

Standing on the table, the Warner siblings gave them the evilest of smiles. "Say, sibs!" Yakko said. "How about we make these three our new special friends?"

Wakko gave them an evil grin. "I'm in."

Dot rubbed her hands like a dignified mob boss. "Splendid idea."


Bugs thought he had to look for a great amount of time for his kids, with his concussion and all. He had arrived on the set of the Spielberg movie with Daffy and Porky at hand. All terrible scenarios flashed though his mind. Were the kids ok? Were they being tortured? Were they scared? Were they crying out for his name—

He stopped in his tracks.

There was a fire on the movie set.

For a moment, the rabbit thought that it was something related to the movie being filmed, but when he saw people running around in panic, he ran into the set with Daffy and Porky following. It wasn't a big fire, really, but it was enough to destroy very expensive equipment and movie props.

"Kids!" He called. He turned to his friends. "Go find them!"

The other two nodded and they ran off to other direction. Bugs turned to look through the area. Toons of all kinds had joined in on the efforts to put away the fire, some were from the cast of Looney Tunes while others were some toons, he didn't know but recognized by description. Two mice, a toddler and a dog, an incredibly sexy mink, a cat and a dog, two hippos, three pigeons, a large chicken, and two squirrels.

Bugs recognized them all. They were the friends the Warners had made during their times outside in the city! They were here to help put out the fire! He couldn't contain his smile, but it quickly turned into a frown as he heard Yakko's voice coming from the fire.

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