"Great. We are in an alternate Snowdin from another AU. Nice."

Dust said, as he looked around the area that he and the others are in right now. And they appear to be in the middle of the town itself. But as Dust and Glitch looked down, along with Glitch Frisk, they noticed that the snow is also covered in Dust. The Dust which are the remains of the monsters that have been killed in a Genocide Run. But there are what appears to be bones and red knives all over the place, inside of Snowdin, as well as some areas covered in vines. It could only mean one thing.

"We seem to be in some kind of Dust AU. Basically, someone in my place goes insane for the constant genocides and kills as many monsters as they can to defeat the Human. Just as I had done."

Glitch than looks at Dust and spoke out.

"Than it means that you will know just how to find out who it is that has made the place like this."

Dust than looked around, and he saw that there are bones and Red Knives. But the only ones that owns this sort of weapon is a Storyshift Chara, who fights with magical knives. And if that is the case, than it is the most likely possibility that she is responsible for her own Genocide inside of the AU that everyone is in right now. And Dust looked up, as he than spoke out.

"We need to look around and try and find the person that did this. But first...Glitch, we need to find you some food in order to heal the Right Side of your head."

This made Glitch looked annoyed, as Dust than goes to one of the stores and goes inside one of them. He than goes back out a minute later, and takes out some instant noodles, and hands them over to Glitch so that he is able to eat them. Glitch signed, but he takes it and eats it as fast as he can. And when he does, he is able to heal from the wound that is given to him, although it did not fix the crack that is on the right skull and going over the eye socket. Glitch sighed, as he felt a little bit better about what happened, and the fact that he is able to recover fast from what the battle in the Omega Timeline had done to them. 

"Okay, so now that is fixed. What do we do now?"

Glitch said, as Dust than looks around, before he than spoke out.

"We explore Snowdin. But we need to make sure that we are not caught by the one that had started the Genocide in the first place."

Glitch and the 2 Fox Pokémon nodded their heads together, as Dust than began to walk around to Snowdin at the end, in order to try and find out where they need to go to. Of course, they have no idea what they will find, but Dust has a suspicion that he knows who it is, but he just want to make sure that it is the case.

Dust walked around all over the entirety of Snowdin, and everywhere that they looked, it is filled with nothing more than Dust and weapons, and they are of Knives and Bones. Needless to say, this is making the others much more worried. But they cannot stop now, as they know that they need to know what is going on. They need to keep on moving, and possibly, Dust can make an ally out of the one that has taken his place in this AU. After all, he knows what it is like to do this, and is sympathetic, and thus, he is willing to try and make them become more better than they were before, and hopefully redeem them for a much more nobler cause. Dust narrowed his eyes, as Braixen and Ninetales followed behind, as Glitch had the Sword of Determination out, in case he needs to attack against the Genocide.

The group continue to keep on moving, as they than went around, and then...they reached the end of Snowdin, and it is in the place where the person that take Papyrus' position would go and fight against the human.

"Okay, we have reached the end of Snowdin, and now to-"

Dust spoke out, but he then stopped, as he senses that someone is coming from the entrance to Waterfall. Dust turned to the other and told them.

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