Chapter 2

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Fred's heartburn was already acting up as he pulled into his "reserved" parking spot. He grabbed his briefcase and thermos and stepped out into the normally empty parking lot. This morning he saw two black Ford Tauruses at the front of the parking lot. A woman exited the one furthest from him and walked towards him.

"You got us out of the office early this morning," a young blonde with a small smile and tight features said, extending her hand. "Hi, Mr. Berger. My name is Agent Emry ... and that is Agent Turner."

Fred shook her hand, and looking over her shoulder he saw an older dark-skinned man closing his car door. Agent Turner wiped off his suit jacket and buttoned it up, before approaching Fred.

"It's a very respectable quality," Turner said, also extending his hand.

"It's what a manager should do," Fred answered.

"My name is Agent Turner, as Agent Emry already stated. "And you're right, but still rare and respectable. A pleasure to meet you, Mr Berger. We hope to finish this investigation as quickly as possible and get out of your hair." They shook hands.

"After you, Mr. Berger," Agent Emry said, extending her arm.

"I'm going to need a statement and ask some questions. Agent Emry will need access to the surveillance system and any other technological surveillance, Agent Turner stated.

"The police already got a statement from me..."

"We aren't the police. And there is a reason they don't work for the Federal government and we do. Agent Turner continued as they stopped in front of the doors to let Fred open them. "We really want to finish as quickly as possible. Just let us do our job, then we'll be on the way."

"I hope so," Fred had an inclination to say more, out of his obligation to his employees and employer, but thought better of it, when he contemplated his failures at his responsibilities already.

"We will move as fast as we can with your cooperation. Please show Agent Emry what she requests, then we'll talk in your office." Agent Turner said as they entered the bank.

"I need to make a call from a landline," Agent Turner said, swiveling his head left to right as if to ask for directions, "if you could let me use your office before you assist Agent Emry?"

"Excuse me I have procedures and protocols to follow when I am opening up ..." Agent Turner put his hand on Fred's shoulder.

The bank is closed; You are here to assist the investigation. Nothing else." Agent Turner turned towards Agent Emry while still clasping Fred's shoulder, "Mr. Berger is going to be with you in a moment."

"Let's open your office," Turner said, lowering his arm. Fred slouching slightly led the way.

Turner's questions were very similar to the police and other law enforcement officers' questions yesterday. He did show more interest regarding employee's details. Since Emrt requested total access to all employee records, Fred anticipated some more questions. Two more Federal Agents entered during his interview; both younger, white men. And as some of the bank employees entered they were interviewed by them.

In one office he could see Keely animatedly responding to the Agent. In the other office, Hubba was much more reserved. At one point it seems as if Kelly was yelling and stood up, pointing towards fred. He finally sat, but still seemed flustered and continued gesticulating. So when Turner ended the interview at almost 11, Fred went over to Kelly who had also finished his interview. (Hubba was still being asked questions.) Looking to maybe comfort him or at least distract him, Kelly started going before he could get a word in.

"They are treating us like criminals. What were they asking you? Did they think you had something to do with this? What are you a fucking wizard. Walla Kazaam!" Kelly said, throwing down his imaginary dust or something.

"Hey Kelly, its fine. They are being thorough. Which is what we want ... so they can catch who did it," Fred said, half-heartedly. Rick and Susan, his only other full-time employees, had gathered around. He peered around them to see Hubba, who he hoped was finishing up. She was still in the room, but saw her pick up her purse and point in their direction. The Agent looked, too. He hoped it was a ploy to wrap up the interview .. and he hoped it worked.

"Okay, everyone. Let's get something to eat. My treat. Do we want to go to Applebee's or Olive Garden? After a slight pause, he added, "We have to comeback to wrap up this investigation by 12:30, so we can't go too far."

"Let's go to the bar," Rick said, causing Susan to chuckle.

"Hubba! Where do you want to go for lunch?" Fred directed his question around Rick's stout 6'3" frame. Looking pretty exhausted, she made an I-don't-know expression. Rick responded with Applebees. Kelly seconded. Susan gave a nod.

"Ok, Applebees. But no drinks," Fred said looking at Rick. He headed towards the lobby. He felt better than he had since he first discovered the robbery. He still had the respect of his employees and that is all that mattered.

The lunch was slow to loosen up; Kelly was still tense, but overall it was a slight reprieve. He called his wife, as he usually did most lunches. He let her know he might be late even though Turner said he wouldn't be: but, he couldn't say he really trusted the man. After milling around out front of the bank, in better spirits, they reentered their workplace... an ongoing crime scene.

The rest of the afternoon was more rounds of questions, with in some cases multiple Agents at the same time. Emry was running Susan ragged; which made some sense since she had worked there the longest. Turner had brief interviews with all the other employees – in Fred's office. Around 4pm, Susan was in the office with Turner; then, Emry came in; then Susan left; then Emry left and said he wanted to speak with me. This time Turner was much more direct and exacting. He seemed more concerned with Rick's personal ife and his possible over-drinking, then bank security.

"Thank you, Mr. Berger. You have been very helpful. We are going to speak to Mrs. Wimplestien later; then, hopefully, we'll finalize our investigation," Turner rose and extended his hand. "If I have any more questions, I'll call or send an email. We expect you will continue to cooperate fully and promptly."

"Are we back to business tomorrow?" Fred asked.

"That will be up to Mrs. Wimplestien. Have a good evening," Turner said and left the office.

Fred watched as Turner and the rest of his crew left. All of his employees had left, except Susan. She stopped in his office to say good-bye. He watched as she left. He continued to stare at the now empty parking spots. The surrealism at closing yesterday was settling into something closer to a new normal. Normality, the greatest of the human animal's inventions. Disruption, adaptation; then La-di-da-di-di and the beat goes on. It still felt slightly ominous. There was a foreboding Fred couldn't shake.

He watched as the sun faded and artificial lighting took over the job of luminescence, as best it could. After day, night; after life, death; and the world goes on. 

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