"Niall you like Tiffany" I spoke slowly with pain lacing my voice. Sympathy flew through his face as my thoughts were confirmed.     I shook my head is disbelief.

    "Harry I never meant to -" He began to ramble as I raised a hand to make him stop.

    "Niall I can't handle any of this I am hurting to much."

    "So was she Harry. Thats what hurts me. Knowing I can never have her. She loved you whether     you knew it or not. The way she looked at you. How whenever you guys had a date she wanted to look perfect to impress you.How whenever you hung out with girls she felt insecure. Or when every night you were out drinking she was back waiting for you Harry, you not me. She loved you and she always will. Your the father of her child. She's gone now though and there is nothing we can do, but give her space" He finished talking as I processed every word.

    She loved me as much as I loved her. I sat here on the floor gripping the ring in one hand and my heart in the other.

    "Niall it hurts so much mate" I cried as he scrunched down to his knees. Everything about him liking Tiffany was forgotten. He knows she will never like him back and he said he would back off. Which sent relief through me. Everything still hurts.

    Its like a piece of me was taken and shattered and nothing could be done to fix it. Tiffany had my heart, so had Darcy. I am never going to move on or forget about them.

    I neglected their love too much I will fight for them, for us. I will not take anything for granted not anything.

    Niall shined a whole new light onto this.     I was dumb and foolish and that girl meant nothing to me. I will try and find them and when I do I will prove to them that I will never leave them again and my love is genuine.

    My knees hurt, as well as my cheats from every sob that was let out. Niall looked down at me with sympathy in his eyes. I couldn't help, but look down at my lock screen. It was me Darcy and Tiffany on the beach without  a car win the world, before I fucked up. I will get this back.

    Tiffany baby I am coming for you. Our love is to deep to toss to the side.


Tiffanys POV

How could I have been so foolish. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

    I was finally broken, my body weak. I just had given up.

    Me and Harry had always hand something confusing, but special. It was work risking things for. I should of knew that this fairy tale would not have a happy ending.

Everything good must come to an end. This was my end. But with ends come new beginnings. I look down at my quietly sleeping baby girl. Little snores sounded out as a few curls fell upon her face.

    Everything as she knew it would change. I know how she loved her father, its going to be so hard to tell her he's gone. Its for our own good. I need a stable home not a father who is on tour kissing other woman.

    Leaving London is going to be hard, and cutting contact with everyone is just going to be harder. Its what needs to be done. Tears trickle down my face as I look out the plane window.

    Darcys eyes flutter open as she gives me a small dimpled smile, hurt filling her eyes. "I hate when mommy is sad" She softly said tugging on my shirt. I struggled to give her a genuine smile.

    "I hate when mommys sad to" i whispered while kissing her forehead and held her in my arms. I rocked her up and down and just held her. She is that small piece of string that is keeping me from falling. But I am just dangling here.

        Darcy is everything to me. Moments like this I know she will be here. She always will.

    I just need to forget about Harry, and every good memory.     I need to let go of the past. As much as my heart breaks deep down I know.

    I looked up into the nothings of the sky. Trying to find my mom. The mother i need so much right now. That shoulder to cry on. I hope Darcy needs me as much as i need my mom.

    Moments like this make me miss her so much more. She would sit down with me and let me cry my heart out, while saying nothing just hugging me and I felt that much better.

    I pictured her smile and a glint of hope flashed through me. I knew everything was going to be ok. My mother is watching down on me after all..

    I am never going to be as venerable as I am now, nor gullible. I am going to build up walls and keep everything dear to me inside. I am not going to let anyone hurt me again. I don't want to be hurt again.

"Flight 45632 to Sydney Austraila is now landing. Please lift up your tray tables and fasten your seat belts. Thank you for flying Delta" The electronic announcement filled the cabin.

    This is it.... My fresh start.

    I looked down and Darcy and smiled. This is what I need.


Australia huh?     Wonder what she is going to do there, or who she is going to meet.....

This is the end of this book Gahh I wash't expecting it to end right now. It just felt right. Don't fret though there will be a sequel coming up very soon so keep watching for that.

    Thank you for all the support through the first book. I hope you all aren't made with me. But I will see you guys soon!:))

Inbox me if you have any questions or if you want to talk. I love chatting with you guys!:)


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