1 ~ The Winchesters

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Makenzie knew she was different from any ordinary human, especially since her father raised her as a hunter of the supernatural after they had lost her mother from demon possession. The bottom line is that everything that goes bump in the night is actually real. When she was younger, Makenzie spent most of her time at the Roadhouse with Ellen and her daughter, Jo. That was until Bobby finally deemed her old enough to hunt. Makenzie enjoyed hunting because she knew that her and her father were slowly making the world a better place. Makenzie could remember the day she met the Winchesters. It was the day she got her first crush.

Makenzie is sitting at the desk in her room as she reads up on werewolves and spins a knife in her hand. In the background 'Old Time Rock n Roll' by Bob Seger could be heard as she read. Most would have thought she was oblivious to the world around her but she wasn't.

Meanwhile, a black '67 Impala pulls up in front of the Singer house before a man and his two boys exit the car. Bobby walks out onto his porch to greet them as John Winchester assures his sons they would be safe there and would even have someone to play with.

"Bobby," John says with a grateful nod as they reach the porch before Bobby leads them inside.

"Hi, boys. Why don't y'all head upstairs? Mak should be up there. Just follow the music," Bobby explains which has the boys looking at their father before John gives them a quick nod.

"Come on Sammy," The older brother, Dean Winchester, says as they head upstairs. Dean could feel a small smile begin to form on his face as he hears the music coming from the open door down the hall. Dean hopes that the boy would be easy to get along with since they obviously share the same taste in music.

Makenzie could easily hear the two sets of footsteps approaching and knew it wasn't her father. Dean freezes in the doorway as he sees a girl sitting at the desk. Sam walks into him not having seen his brother stop. The noise alerts Makenzie, causing her to spin around as she throws the knife to where it embeds right beside Dean's head in the wall. Sam lets out a scared scream before running back downstairs.

"Don't you know it's a bad idea to sneak up on a hunter?" Makenzie says as she stands, hearing three sets of footsteps coming back up the stairs in a rush.

"What in the hell is going on up here?" Bobby asks as he sees Dean frozen at the doorway and his daughter with her arms crossed in front of her chest with a smirk on her face. Bobby takes notice of the knife embedded beside Dean's head, causing Bobby to let out a snort before showing John the knife.

"She threw a knife at us," Dean says quickly as he points at the knife.

"Shouldn't have tried to sneak up on me," Makenzie says as she rolls her eyes.

"We weren't sneaking up on you," Dean argues as he shakes his head.

"Well, you didn't exactly make your presence known now did you," Makenzie says, causing Bobby to shake his head at their arguing.

"Mak, say your sorry," Bobby says as he takes the knife out of the wall.

"But..." Makenzie tries to say but sees the stern look from her father. "Sorry."

"Well, you boys have met Makenzie. Mak this is Dean and Sam Winchester. They're going to be staying here while John goes on a hunt," Bobby explains, causing Makenzie to nod in excitement since there would actually be other kids around who know about hunting. "Now you idjits better get along while John and I go talk." Makenzie nods before walking back into her room, leaving Sam and Dean at the door.

"You just going to stand there? I promise I don't bite," Makenzie says as she scans over a page in the book.

"You reading some chick flick?" Dean asks in a snarky voice, causing Makenzie to roll her eyes as the boys walk into the room.

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