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I was reading The girl who saw ghosts by sherl0cked and I wanted to write a Doctor Who fan fiction as well. But read sherl0cked's first, I loved the dedication placed into the writing. Ps, the girl in the photo looks just about Maxine. She has the same red hair, same pale skin, same grey eyes, no makeup, no freckles though. But really imagine her the way you like, just keep the red hair and grey eyes. I like those bits.


I was walking in London. I had a small flat that my dad was paying for, he called it a gift because he was never around. He's like a multi-million heir to a company he barely ever went to. He spends most of his time with girls sometimes younger than me! When I was walking I saw a box out of place... it was the blue box I see in my dreams. I walked up to it. It was completely dark out, no one about, the road was completely abandoned spare me and the blue box. I touched her and I felt the cold wood a surprisingly welcomed feeling against my slightly chilled body. I felt a shiver roll down my back, as if someone was watching me. I stroked the dark blue wood, it felt right to me. "Normally people would walk right past her, not pay any attention to her let alone touch her. But not you, not Maxine Rodgers!" I heard a funny British accent. It rang through my ears like a song. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, though I have yet to know your name." I said, being the good little girl I was trained to be. "Oh so your still in that good girl act." He said as I saw what he was wearing! A bowtie, suspenders, long arms and legs, a large chin, and amazingly clever hair. "I'm the Doctor." I nodded and he hugged me, "I love you! You don't ask stupid questions like the others, your clever, asking the clever questions!" He said and I pushed away. "Your quite strange, is this the first time we've met?" He asked, smiling like he knew what I'd say. "Seeing how I asked for your name, yeah. I haven't met you before but for some reason you know me." He giggled... well, more chuckled. I took off running, three years in track, three year gold runner. He won't be able to catch up. "Nice day for a run." He said cheekily. He seemed to know my moves and I knew his. We took 'in sync' to a whole new level. It was actually becoming fun before we ran smack into two leather clad men. They grabbed us and hauled us to an abandoned warehouse. "I have a feeling this is a normal occupation with you Doctor." I said and he laughed again as we were being tied to chairs, "you got that right Maxine!" He said and I sighed, "if you know me as well as I think you do just call me Max." I said and he turned a bit huffy, "but I always call you Maxine." He said and I nudged him slightly. I don't know why but I seem incredibly at ease with him, like I didn't have to hide anything. "So you got a plan?" I asked and he chuckled again, "who said I had a plan?" He asked, "well if you don't have a plan, you must be happy to see me because I feel something prodding at me." He blushed and jostled me a bit, "shut it you. I forgot you had that sort of humor, how I forgot I'll never know." He mumbled, "I'm trying to loosen the ropes." He said and I untied my rope. It didn't help the bad guys that I took two years of maritime carriers, learning all kinds of knots and being able to do it behind my back. I didn't tell the Doctor, I just sat back, arms folded and I began to look at my nails. "There we go!" He said trying to slipped out of his ropes but he kept trying. He stopped and watched me, "how long have you been untied?" He asked and I shrugged, "a few minutes after I untied the knot." I said and he pouted, and struggled against his. The problem was, he had his knot on his chest. "Alright, move your legs, their too long for such a short chair." I literally had to bend down to untie the knot. "Aliens and all they do is tie basically a clove hitch to keep us in." I muttered as I undid it. "That's right, you did maritime carriers for two years, stopped at the third because..." he stopped and I watched him. "I want to know what you were going to say." I said and tied him back onto the chair and sat there on the ground, arms folded. "I can't!" He chuckled, "it's my past, I already know why I dropped it. I want to know what you were going to say, or I'll leave and you'll never get out of this knot." I said tapping the rope with my index finger. He sighed and slumped down and touched his forehead with mine. "You left because you were being harassed by the boys since you were the only girl in the class." He said and I raised my eyebrow, "I must have trusted you a lot if I told you the real reason." I said and pulled the knot down and he sprung up, grabbing me with him. "You trusted me with basically anything..." he said and smiled, "let's figure out why their here." He said still holding my hand. I watched him and he stopped, "or would you rather go home and eat fish and chips like everyone else?" He said and I pulled him along. He chuckled and began to open the door with a sonic thing. It looked a bit like a spanner. "This is a sonic screwdriver." He said noticing me looking at it. "I thought so." I said and he chuckled and ruffled my hair, "and your still just as clever." He said and I opened the door slowly and quietly. I saw a human looking girl... but something about her... didn't add up. We walked over to the big chair and he sat down and I leaned in on the back. "So, what are you doing, you do know that this is a peaceful plant." The Doctor said as he took my hand and rubbed small circles in my skin. He also knew what calmed me down, "my, how could you have gotten out of those knots?" She asked, I noticed a husk of an old woman, laying dead on the ground. "Oh, you know." I said and tapped the Doctor and he nodded. "No, I don't." She said, "well good, because we don't know either." I said and the Doctor looked up to me, if we did get caught again and tied up then they would use something I couldn't get out of. "Bring the pretty one." She said and the Doctor was grabbed and the woman sighed, "no you stupid Slabs. The girl." She said, her Marilyn Monroe face was grimacing but still beautiful. "Don't you dare touch her." Doctor said as he jumped up as I was nearly pulled away from him. "Why, is she your lover?" She asked, a wicked grin played on her lips. "Well, no, not this far in." He said and I looked at him, riddled. "Oh, then I'll enjoy taking her youth even more." He jumped up to the blonde woman, "she's thirty, I'm only twenty. Why not me then?" He asked and I shook my head, "well... you'll do for a first course." She said and began to suck a light from his body. I kicked her down and pulled the Doctor up from the ground and we ran away, "you didn't have to do that!" He yelled as I pulled him out, "I don't care if you were trying to be noble or something, but let me tell you, it won't work. I'd rather you alive than dead!" I yelled back at him as I turned the corner and we ran into my flat, the big blue box already there. "How did you get up here silly girl?" He asked the blue box and I smiled, "you men and your toys." I said and he smiled as he opened the door and I saw a larger room inside. I walked in and patted the wall. "Go ahead and say it," he said smiling. "She's gorgeous!" I said and it sounded like she purred. "that's a new one." He said and flipped a few switches and tapped on the monitor screen. "She's a shape-changer of sorts... my all the way from Pluto, well one of the moons." He said, and toggled a few more switches. "Can withstand anything except silver..." he said and started to look for something silver. "Will this do?" I asked holding up my mother's bracelet, before she past she gave this to me. The Doctor looked at me with sad eyes, "that was your mother's..." he said and I shrugged, "if that thing gets out, people will die. This is no time for being sentimental about the past." I said and he hugged me, "Maxine Rodgers, your an angel." He said and kissed my temple. I blushed and handed him my mother's bracelet. He connected it to a gizmo and got ready. "We're going to blow her up, aren't we?" I asked unsure about this. He shrugged and began to open the doors. "Shouldn't we give her a choice? What if she's scared? What if she just wants to go home?" I asked and he sighed, "Maxine, that won't work this time, she has killed nearly ten people in the past week. If she didn't interfere with Earth then I would have spared her and given her a choice." He said and I nodded, "you better stay here." He said and I walked out with him, "you kidding? You'd be dead if I wasn't there to pull you out of that pickle." I said and he kissed my temple again. We walked out and back to that warehouse where she was still there, barking orders at the Slabs. "Find them!" She screeched, "why when we're already here?" Doctor said and shot the silver ray to the Marilyn Monroe look alike. She began to revert into an old woman, going older and older till she turned into dust. The Slabs, on the other hand, still went after us. We ran till we reached a dead end. They produced guns! Like actual alien guns! I made a snap decision and jumped in front of the Doctor with a rubbish bin topper. They shot and I deflected it, getting a mild shock. The lasers beamed back to them and the Doctor smiled but it was quickly replaced with worry as I dropped the makeshift shield. I felt faint and the Doctor picked me up, leaving me unconscious.

I woke up in my room, flowers on my bedside, along with Jammie Dodgers, one of which had a bite taken out of it. I took it and ate the rest, not wanting a full one. I sat up slowly and saw the Doctor sitting on my desk, the blue box right next to him. "That was my cookie you know." He said grinning, "well I bought the package." I said and braced myself on the wall. "You keep a very empty room." He said looking at my stationary desk, my bed, my closet, and a small bedside table. "I think it would be better to say clean, but yeah, I guess I do." He chuckled and sat down next to me. "So, you think you'll be good on your own for awhile? I'll come back... but I'll look different. I'll still be the same I sware. Just don't be too weirded out. Alright?" He said and I shrugged, "no promises." I said winking. He kissed the top of my head. And stood up, "I'll see you then." I said and he closed the blue box doors. A sound filled my room, it sounded sweet, sad, magical, and something amazing! I watched as the blue box disappeared from my room along with my mystery man.

Forever (book one in the "Forever" series) Doctor Who Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now