"Please, drive really fast," I said to the driver.

The ride to the hospital was traumatic. I never would want anyone to feel like the way I felt. I was holding Niall, hoping his heartbeats will be back to normal. His eyes were closed, and pink pudgy lips that I adored so much looked nothing like that. They were two streams of dried up rivers – pale, and extremely dry. My mind went back to a few hours before when he told me that our "silver lining" was finally looking attainable, and I told him not to raise his hopes high. I cringed at the realization that I just became the victim of yet another tragic irony of life.

Just as my parents left me after I wished to never see them again after the fight that night, I stopped Niall from raising his hopes on achieving our silver lining as well. He was so happy with everything – our baby, our engagement, and my shift to Manchester. I was too. I couldn't fathom to accept that all my words turned to stab me at the back. Never for once did I mean them from my heart. They were as petty and casually said as anyone could think of.

As the thought swarmed across my mind, I found myself in tears. My heart hammered against its walls as I sobbed making loud noises. I bent my head down, and pressed Niall's head close against my chest, feeling my heartbeats pounding on his skin.

"Don't leave me, baby. You're all I have. I didn't mean anything I said; of course our silver lining is near. In fact I achieved it the day I met you. You're my only reason to exist, honey...... Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me....." I continued to murmur the last phrase over, and over again in his ear.

I caught the man, and the driver exchange sympathetic glances with each other.

The hospital soon arrived, and the man and the driver hurriedly got down the taxi. I slowly got down too after carefully lying Niall on the backseat. The man and the driver carried him out as I galloped up the stairs. There were lots of people roaming around, and all heads went up, seeing me. I knew I probably looked like a freak, but damn did I care? On spotting the receptionist, I ran towards her.

"I need to see a doctor, doctor, doctor," I blurted out, panting.

"Ma'am, you need to calm down. And tell me what happened?" she looked baffled.

"I need a doctor, please. My fiancé was shot, and he bled a lot. Please get him a doctor, and save him," I pleaded.

Her eyes widened, hearing the word "shot," but she anyways, dialed some numbers, and started talking. "Sir, we've a patient here who was apparently shot," her eyes fell on the man and the driver who laid Niall with the help of some ward boys on a movable bed that were reserved for emergencies.

"You need to send some help right away, sir. He has bled a lot, and might get internal injuries," she finished.

I covered my mouth with both of my hands, and sobbed.

"Ma'am, the doctor is on his way. Please sit down, everything will be okay," the receptionist tried to comfort me, but to no avail.

I moved in a to and fro motion, continuing to sob, and looking in the direction of the doctor's lounge to spot someone coming. And within a few minutes, I saw a tall and stout figure running towards me.

"Where's the patient?" he cried out, turning to the receptionist.

Even before she could point out, he noticed Niall lying on the movable bed. He ran towards him, and analyzed him minutely. "God," I heard him mutter.

"What is it, doctor?" I panicked.

"He has lost a lot of blood, and his heartbeats have slowed down," he looked at me with sad eyes.

Forever Yours (Stay With Me Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora