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Minho wasn't having the best day at work. He met up with 2 clients that practically did a terrible job at their presentations. he is so busy that he couldn't even find time to eat. 

meanwhile, jisung dropped Felix off and is now headed to his husband's office to surprise him with lunch. in the 3 years they were married, he has never stepped foot in that building. simply because he had no reason to. 

"excuse me, may I know what level Mr. Lee is at? " jisung asked the receptionist with a smile. the receptionist called Hyunjin. who was Minho's best friend and most trusted employee. 

"Mr. Hwang. some slut wearing a VERY revealing dress is trying to look for Mr. Lee. I would just like to inform you that I will not be letting him go." the receptionist sassed. 

Hyunjin rubbed his temples. "Ms. Oh. do let him enter. he is Mr. Lee's wife after all. I don't think you would like to be fired today." that's right. Jisung also knew Hyunjin so he text Hyunjin beforehand telling him that he would be going to surprise Minho. 

ms oh oh-ed and immediately changed her attitude. "ah..M-Mr Lee. yes. this way." Jisung's tears brimmed. he was wearing one of the fancy dresses he bought at the mall and he really liked it. until ms oh shamed him. he wanted to tear the dress. when he was in front of minho's office, he swiftly opened the door and instantly got screamed at.

"What did I say about knocking before entering?" Minho groaned before looking up. he looked up and saw his beautiful wife, in a beautiful dress, carrying a bag of food. crying. guilt instantly hit him. 

"no no no. hun, I'm so sorry, I thought you were my slut of an assistant." which only made jisung cry more.

"i-it's not t-that. y-your receptionist c-called me a s-slut because of my dress." jisung sobbed. 

guilt turned into rage. he called for Ms. Oh to his office and fired her on the spot. not forgetting to demand an apology to jisung. 

jisung eventually calmed down and started opening the bag of food he made for Minho. placing it in front of Minho. 

"hun, I love you and your food but I can't. I have a meeting in 30 minutes. I still have to finish this paperwork." 

"how about I feed you?" jisung suggested. taking a mouthful of food and placing it was Minho's lips. 

Minho ate the food happily. he sometimes wonders what he did it deserves such a perfect life: a beautiful loving wife and a cute loving daughter. 

during minho's meeting, jisung went to pick Lia up and headed back to Minho's office. As well as change both of them back into more comfortable clothes. they were having fun playing games on Minho's computer and giggling when a lady dressed in a tight white dress stormed in.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Mr lee's office?" the lady shouted at jisung. he felt the tears rise but he couldn't cry. he needed to stay strong for Lia and decided to be manipulative this time round. 

"i-i am just a regular worker. m-my computer spolit and I really wanted to l-let my daughter play some games..." jisung stuttered. Lia seemed to be able to catch up on what jisung was planning 

"yeah...I'm sorry..." lia mumbled.

" well, u probably don't know who I am. I am Mr lee's wife. and I don't think my husband would like to see you and ur dirty daughter in his office. so get out before I call security. "  the lady commanded with pride. 

jisung internally smirked and quickly got out of the office with Lia. they walked around the building and bumped into Hyunjin. 

"what are you guys doing here? people are giving you looks like they want to devour you. I don't think Minho would be very happy with this."

jisung explained the whole situation and hyunjin smirked. 

"I see why Minho married you now. this side of you is very sexy." hyunjin jokingly snaked his arm around jisung's waist. 

"you better get your hands off him. I don't think appa would be very happy with this" lia motioned to hyunjin's arm. 

hyunjin scoffed. "out of all things. she got the sass from minho." 

"yeah. I'm glad she did. if not, I wouldn't have known that you were hitting on my wife." a voice commented from behind. hyunjin froze, turned around, gave him a sheepish smile, and quickly ran away. 

Minho went to hug jisung, hiding his head in jisung's neck, taking in his smell. 

"Hey! What about me?" lia jumped. wanting minho's attention. 

Minho chuckled and went in to hug lia 

jisung explained the whole issue with the lady to Minho and Minho discreetly smacked jisung's ass. 

"you naughty baby. hyunjin was right, you are so damn sexy like this"

"appaaaaaa I'm still hereeeeee" lia whined. 

the three chuckled and made their way to Minho's office. 

when Minho opened the door, the lady jumped to her feet. 

"m-Mr lee, welcome back." 

"ah yes. Ms. Kwon. I was just looking for you. my wife and daughter visited me today. I would like to introduce you to them. Babies!" 

jisung and lia stepped into the room. making ms Kwon freeze in fear. jisung chuckled looking at Ms. Kwon's face.

"Oh. so you're his assistant? hubby, we met already. she even claimed to be your wife. lia and I were so confused... I thought u were cheating on me" 

Minho gave ms Kwon a confused look. 

ms Kwon felt too much tension so she ran out crying.

the three of them giggled again. this day only gets funnier.

"lia dear, would you be a dear and help me open the door?" Minho asked, motioning to the door at the back of his office. she opened the door to reveal a playroom full of all her favorite toys. 

"for me?" lia asked with a shimmer in her eyes.

"no. for my other daughter." Minho shot back. 

lia whimpered. did her appa really have another family? she ran to jisung crying.

"daddy, appa really has another family" she sobbed. 

they chuckled and pulled out a little grey picture. it was really blurry. lia grabbed it and shot the both of them a confused look. 

"I'm pregnant lia baby. you're going to be a big sister." jisung smiled. li's tears instantly dried. 

"i-i'm going to be a big sister? wow! can I name her? I'm going to name her princess!!" lia continued mumbling and bouncing off the walls. she is so excited. she hugged jisung's tummy and talked to her little sister while minho continued with his work. the rest of the day was just lia talking about the baby until minho was done with his work so they could go home together,

To all those from tik tok im sorry 😭😭 im having a writers block yall can comment ideas tho 👀

i hope this was abit better ❤️


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