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‼️‼️ slight smut (smut ends at 🥀)

kinda proofread?

"Ahhh yes yes right there!" Jisung slurred, as Minho only went faster and faster. Leaving hickeys all over jisung's back and neck.

🥀 (hahah ik it was bad)

Both of them were heavily intoxicated and currently doing the devil's tango on a random guy's bed. Lee Minho, the well-known CEO of Korea. not sure why he's at a party getting wasted but every CEO has a crazy side. Han jisung is an underground songwriter/singer. got dragged into this party by his bsf Felix. 

both laid side by side panting and taking in the smell of sex mixed with alcohol. too intoxicated to think, they both fell asleep in each other's arms 

the next morning, the sun woke Minho up. he turned around to see a cute squirrel-looking boy naked beside him. internally panicking, he realised that he wasn't even at his own house. the boy beside him started tossing and turning, eventually waking up. 

" well good morning to you too" Minho chuckled when jisung rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the light. jisung being jisung, jumped at the voice. 

"w-who are you?" 

"I'm Lee Minho"

"d-did we-?"


jisung suddenly broke down on the floor shaking and hiccuping. Minho immediately jumped up and hugged jisung, trying his best to calm him down. 

"i-i lost my virginity to a r-random stranger" jisung sobbed. Minho assured Jisung that it was going to be fine and that he was clean

"n-no you don't get it. i-i can get p-pregnant."

at that point. Minho blanked. they didn't use a condom. fuck. besides being all panicked, he still remained a calm image. 

"it's ok. we can raise the child together." 

jisung did end up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl and they named her Lia. she has big doe eyes like jisung and cute bunny teeth like Minho. jisung eventually moved in with Minho when he found out he was pregnant. minho constantly asked jisung to quit his job but jisung was not willing. all his life, he wanted to be a singer. a child won't pull him away from his dreams. Lia is now 3 years old with a perfect family

"Lia baby. go wake your appa." jisung shooed 

"already awake hun" a deep raspy voice spoke. no matter how many years he hears that voice, it won't fail to make him flustered. 

"great. I made strawberry pancakes today~" jisung sang as he placed a plate of strawberry pancakes in front of Minho and Lia. then, serving himself a bowl of oatmeal.

"aren't you eating the pancakes?" Minho raised his eyebrow

"Nah, I'm on a diet. how am I supposed to keep my beautiful shape in 30 years time?" jisung shot back.

Minho said nothing and just shoved some pancakes in jisung's mouth " I don't care about your body. we can both be old and wrinkly in 30 years." 

"Ewww appa, dad. can yall get a room" Lia sassed back at both of them. causing everyone to fill the room with giggles. 

"ok ok. enough with the funny talk. what do my beautiful wife and cute baby intend on doing today? I know you don't have work today." 

"hmmm well ill be dropping Lia off at yeji's so that she can have a playdate with chaeryeong and probably head to the mall with lixie."

Minho hummed in amusement at how jisung has got his whole day planned. taking out his black card, and handing it to jisung "have fun hun. I know how stressful your week has been." 

taking the card with pride and giving minho a peck "thanks hubby. I'm so lucky to have you" 

Minho got dressed for work and jisung got dressed in the fancy clothes that Minho got him meanwhile also dressing Lia in her cute clothes. they left together. Minho in his Mercedes-Benz and jisung in his Rolls-Royce. after dropping Lia off, he sped straight to pick up his bestie. 

"Woah there mister rich. new car?" that was the first thing Felix asked when he sat down on those white massaging chairs of jisung's car. jisung bounced in his seat and silenced Felix with 'TT' by twice. the way to the mall was filled with Felix singing like a god with that deep voice of his. 

when they were at the mall, jisung didn't let the black card breathe, swiping left and right. he currently bought himself new Louis Vuitton handbags and new sunglasses from Balenciaga. as well as a new wallet from Gucci. to replace the one he bought 2 weeks ago. he also got a little something for him and Minho when Lia falls asleep. Felix also bought himself new bags but he did not splurge as much as jisung. Changbin, Felix's husband, was 5th richest CEO in Korea after all. 

I know this para wasn't great. btw this will be very much cliche 


CEO's trophy wife// A Minsung Lovestory //Where stories live. Discover now