22. Goodbye

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We just stood there, while I could feel warm tears running down face in the cold December air. Even Rain started to cry, I could see his tears on the small part of his face that his mask didn't cover.

"Is it true, Eve? Is it true that you're a spy?" He asked. "Yes, I mean, no, not anymore." I said. "Listen Rain, I'm going to tell you the truth now. My whole life I've been told that satanists are bad, and that ghouls are evil. So when pastor Robertson gave me the quest to steal the ghoul-summoning book, I decided to help him. I truly thought that it would be a good thing to un-summon all the ghouls. But when I met the ghouls, I realized that nothing what pastor Robertson told me was true. So I wrote him a letter to tell him that it would take me a long time to steal the book, just so I could stay here a little while longer. I've never felt more at home here than I ever did at my old church. But then, The Clergy opened my letter. So they thought that I was still a spy, and they send me a death threat. Kill me if you think that that's the punishment I deserve."

Rain hugged me tightly, "none of this is your fault, you're the victim of someone who you thought you could trust. And of course I'm not going to kill you, are you crazy? I'll just go back to hell."

I let go of Rain. "What?" "Sister Imperator told me that if I don't kill you before the end of tonight, she'll send me back to hell." He said. "I don't want to go back to hell, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for you. All of the ghouls would."

"There has to be another option." I said, not willing to accept the situation we were in. But I knew that there was no other option for me than leaving this church to go back to Hillburg. "What if we run away together?" I asked him. He wiped away the tears on my face with his sleeve. "I'd love to run away with you, but I can't. Remember the invisible border in the forest? The Clergy will just cast me back into the church if I try to escape."

It was hard to accept that this was our reality. We came from 2 different worlds, literally. He was a ghoul from hell, who lived in a satanic church. I was a normal human, from the most Christian town on earth. It was foolish of me to think that this could ever work. We've always been doomed.

"Okay," I said, "then I'll go back to Hillburg, so I'm going to say goodbye to my friends now." Rain nodded. "I agree with you, it's not a good option, but it's the best option we have."

Rain and I walked back inside, where everyone was still partying, unknowing of what Rain and I were going through. We made our way through the crowd to Roy, Nali, Diablo, Dewdrop, and Aether. I'll have to find the other ghouls after I've said goodbye to them.

"Eve! What's wrong?" Aether asked once he saw us, he was still busy eating the mini pumpkin pies, it was a wonder that there were still some left. "I have to go." I said. I didn't feel like explaining the entire story to them too. I was crying so hard that I could barely talk. "I've come to day goodbye to you guys. Thank you for being the best friends I've ever had."

Roy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out of it. This was the first time I've ever seen him speechless.

Nali grabbed my hand. "Why? Can you explain it to us?" Her voice sounded sad, but also comforting in a way.

"She won't need to explain it." A voice from behind us said. When we turned around, we could see that it was Sister Imperator. She gave us an evil smirk. "Because I am going to explain the situation here to everyone."

She walked on the little stage the DJ booth was located on, and pushed the DJ-ghoul away. She turned off the music, causing everyone to stop dancing and look at her. She started to talk when she grabbed the microphone.

"Hello everyone, as you may know, this is Eve." She pointed at me. "And Eve has a little secret. She tried to pretend to be a good satanist, but she failed! Guess what, she's actually a Christian spy, who's trying to un-summon the ghouls!"

The crowd gasped. ''Bible thumper!'' Someone yelled at me. Even my own friends looked at me like I was a dangerous criminal. They all believed her. And how could they not? The ghouls from the band knew that I had a secret so bad that The Clergy wanted to kill me. I didn't blame them for it, but them looking at me like that, caused me to feel the worst feelings I've ever felt.

Aether couldn't even look at me. His eyes were on the floor as he was trying to process what Sister Imperator just said. Even Dewdrop didn't know how to react to this. Swiss, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, looked at me, then at Sister Imperator, and then back at me. It was like he couldn't believe what was happening right now. Just as the crowd started to mumble at each other, Sister Imperator started to speak again.

"So we asked her to leave, or else we would kill her. But Eve was stubborn, and didn't want to leave. So I've asked Rain to kill her." Rain looked at her in anger. "I knew he wouldn't do it." She continued. "I've always thought that Rain is a weak ghoul anyways."

The fact that she just called Rain "weak" sparked a flame inside of me. Rain wasn't weak. And I better tell everyone that. I angrily walked onto the stage, and stole the microphone from Sister Imperator. "Rain isn't weak! And I am not a spy!" I managed to yell out before Sister Imperator pushed me away from the microphone.

I ran from the stage, through the crowd where everyone stepped aside from me, like they were scared of me. When I finally got outside, I noticed that Rain had followed me.

''Eve! I'll walk you through woods so you can get home safely.'' He said. I stopped walking for a second so that he could catch up with me. ''Thank you.''

We both didn't say a word the entire time that we were walking through the woods. The bottom of my dress must have been covered in mud and dirt by now, but I couldn't see it. It was dark and cold outside, and that's also exactly how I felt on the inside. Would my friends ever forgive me? There's probably no possibility that I could ever return to the satanic church. I'll probably spend the rest of my life in Hillburg, or Hellburg, as Roy had called it.

I would miss him, even though he never stops talking. He's like a little sunshine in the church, always excited and energetic. He doesn't hide who he is from the world, he isn't afraid to be seen. He doesn't care that he can't sing during a karaoke night, all he cares about is if he's having fun.

I would also miss Nali a lot, she had been so kind to me since the first time we met. I respected her even more after hearing her story of how she burned her hijab and ran away from her family. She was truly brave.

Papa would also be a person I'd be missing when I got back to Hillburg. He was like, a father figure to everyone in the church. No wonder everyone called him Papa. He was always there for everyone, no matter what. And he didn't want to kill me, which was also nice of him.

And of course, I would also miss the ghouls. I didn't know whether to smile, or cry even harder as I thought back of all the fun memories I had of them. They never failed to make me laugh. They argued about the most stupid things and made the worst jokes ever. I was going to miss that, but I was going to miss the karaoke nights the most.

We finally made it to the road at the edge of the forest. We both stood there for a second, not knowing what to say, until Rain finally spoke up.

"Eve, I just wanted to let you know that I've had a great time with you. But I've got so many things that I want to tell you but I can't. There's so many memories that I still want to make with you. I will miss you unconditionally, please, promise me that you'll keep calling and texting me and the other ghouls. I'll tell them what happened, I'm sure that they'll understand, and-"

I interrupted him with a hug. One last hug. One last hug for the ghoul I loved the most in the whole world. I realized that this was the last time that I could feel his body heat and his heart beating in his chest. He was breathing pattern was uneven due to the fact that he was still crying. The inside of his mask must be like an ocean of tears by now. I finally let go of him when I found the words to say.

"I promise that I'll come back someday. And then, I won't break everyone's trust. I'll fix it, I'll fix everything, I promise. But for now, goodbye, Rain."

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