10. A Ghoul With Angel Wings

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''Oh my Satan, Roy! The Bubbles dress you gave me fits me perfectly!'' I was wearing the blue Bubbles dress Roy made for me with white knee socks and Mary Janes. I put 2 ponytails in my blonde hair to match Bubble's style. I'd agreed to meet Roy and Nali at Nali's room, so we could go to the party together, which was in the great dining hall.

''You look so cute, Eve!'' Nali said, she was basically wearing the same outfit as me, but in green. Her dark curly hair looked stunning. ''Thank you, you guys look so cute as well!'' ''Thank you, Bubbles.'' Roy said, he was wearing a pink dress and he had a big red bow in his hair.

We came across Sister Imperator on our way to the party. She gave me a judgemental look as we walked by. Roy raised an eyebrow. ''She really doesn't like you for some reason.'' ''Yeah, I wonder why.'' I said.

When we arrived in the great dining hall I saw that the dining tables were gone to make space for a dance floor. There were Halloween decorations everywhere. The light was dimmed and there was a big mirrorball hanging from the ceilling. At the end of the hall was a DJ-ghoul who was dressed up as a spider doing his job, his DJ booth was located on a platform. We weren't the first ones to arrive at the party, there were already a lot of humans and ghouls dancing on the dance floor. There were also some humans and ghouls talking with each other on the sides of the hall at the foldable cocktail tables.

''Dewdrop is there!'' Nali pointed at some ghouls who were standing at one of the foldable cocktail tables. Dewdrop was shamelessly staring at Nali, glancing at her body from tip to toe. Roy smirked at her. ''Yes, and he's basically eye-fucking you.''

Dewdrop then continued to talk to Rain and Diablo. He was wearing a devil horns hairband over his mask which looked silly because he already had horns himself obviously. That was literally all he wore apart from his usual clothes. He clearly didn't make an effort, but I couldn't blame him for that. I don't know what I would've worn if I didn't have Roy as a friend. Diablo's costume was quite funny, he was dressed up as Papa IV. He wore the recognizable blue robe and mitre. Rain was wearing an angel outfit. He wore an all-white suit with white feathered wings. He looked really handsome, he always did. But seeing him in a suit made me feel some type of way.

We walked over to them and we greeted eachother. ''You guys look... Amazing!'' Dewdrop said, clearly not realizing that we were supposed to be the Powerpuff Girls. ''Especially you Roy, you look like you stepped straight out of a Queer Eye episode. In a good way of course! I love that show.''

Diablo chuckled. ''Dew, they're clearly dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls! Another great show.'' ''Well I'm sorry.'' Dewdrop scoffed sarcastically.

We talked with them for a while, until the DJ ghoul chose to put on Thriller by Michael Jackson, you can't escape that song at a Halloween party. ''I love this song! We should dance!'' Roy exclaimed excitedly. ''But I don't know how to dance!'' I tried to protest, but Roy had already dragged me to the dance floor. Nali and Dewdrop followed us, leaving Rain and Diablo behind.

'''Cause this is thriller, thriller night!''

Michael's voice echoed through the hall. Roy knew the thriller dance from the music video surprisingly well. He definitely wasn't the best singer, but he did know how to dance. I just tried to copy some of his moves because I didn't really know any dance moves.

After a few songs I got tired and decided that it was time for a drink. I glanced over at Rain, it looked like Diablo had left him, he stood there all alone. I ordered 2 Bloody Mary's and made my way over to Rain. Despite the fact that I'm 18 and drinking alcohol is legal at that age here, I've actually never had alcohol.

''Hello angel, I bought you a drink.'' ''Thanks, Bubbles.'' Rain said, while I handed the drink over to him. ''So, how's your night been so far?'' I asked. Rain took a sip of his drink and then proceeded to answer my question. ''It's been good, I mean, I'm not the type of ghoul to go to parties usually, but this one's pretty fun actually.''

The DJ-ghoul decided that it was time for a mood-change, and put on some romantic sounding song. Rain and I chuckled as we watched Roy slow dance with Diablo. Diablo clearly wasn't as good at slow-dancing as Roy was and stepped on Roy's toe multiple times, causing Roy to over-exaggeratedly scream in pain.

Dewdrop wasn't the type of ghoul to slow dance with anyone, but he did it anyways. Nali seemed to be having the time of her life now that she was dancing with the fire-ghoul.

Curious of what it would taste like, I took a sip of my Bloody Mary as well, only to find out that it was the grossest drink I've ever tasted. Rain laughed, he probably read off of my facial expression that I didn't like it. ''What?'' I said. ''Nobody told me that there would be tomatoes in this! I hate tomatoes, they taste like, super gross. Another reason why I hate them is because of their texture. They act like their are all tough on the outside, but when you bite into them it's like an explosion of tomato-juice and I hate it.''

This made Rain laugh so hard, that I just stood there confused. ''What? It wasn't even that funny.'' ''No,'' Rain said, ''it was. Trust me, you are funny.''

Suddenly, a new song started to play:

"Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you."

''I really like this song.'' Rain said, while his eyes were still glancing at the couples on the dance floor. ''Screw this drink.'' I said, while I put the drink on the table. ''Rain, would you like to have this dance with me?'' Rain gave me a shy, innocent smile. ''Yes, m'lady, I thought you'd never ask.''

We walked towards the dance floor and Rain held my right hand, then, he placed his other hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. I'd never really danced like this before, but it was very easy and it felt really intimate to be this close to Rain.

I could feel his breath on my face. "If you're lost you can look and you will find me." I could smell his perfume. "Time after time." I could feel his body heat against mine.

"If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting. Time after time"

''Hey...'' I said. Rain looked slightly down at me. ''What?'' ''Remember when I almost fell in the woods?'' ''Yes. And I caught you. And I will catch you again if you fall, time after time.'' I giggled and buried my face into his shoulder. ''Rain, that was really cheesy.'' ''Oh, I know, and I hate myself for it.'' ''Please don't,'' I said, ''because I love you for it.''

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