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Jk marched towards cabin and stopped and took damn deep breath and opened the door and there he saw his boss was talking on phone with someone she was talking about her beauty...
Jk: can i come in ma'am?
He asked and walked in and went towards her...
Ma'am: yes yes come, your highness what would you like to have?
She asked in Sacarstic tone
Jk: no no nothing I have my breakfast at home..
He said politely knowing she said in Sacarstic
Ma'am: oh my highness then why are you late should I send my own car to pick up or should I come to pick you?
Jk: No ma'am today I woke up late that's why...
Do I get late everyday..
He said making innocent face
Ma'am: you don't but why was you absent for two days?
Jk: oh actually that I was not feeling well
Ma'am: Really you wasn't feeling well or you were not interested to come
Jk: what are you saying ma'am?
See, I had flu and if I would have came here then I might also come in your cabin and if would have come to your cabin
Then I might sneeze and you know once I sneeze then it might spread you to...
He said and she scrunched her nose and move back
Ma'am: then are you ok now?
Jk: yes I am ok because I saw world's Beautiful Women
Ma'am: Oh where is she?
She asked curiously..
Jk: Right in front of me..
Ma'am: huh where?
She asked checking here and there..
Jk: here only who is sitting on the couch..
He said and pointing at her...
Ma'am: oh me, I am world's beautiful women?
She asked shyly
Jk: Yes you don't know I am soo proud that I am working under you..
Ma'am: oh you are too much cute
She said shyly pushing jk back who stood away from here cause she is dangerous
Jk: so should I go?
He asked looking at her who was checking her beauty...
Ma'am: yes and look at that file which I send you
Jk: yes I will check it..
Ma'am: make arrangements for same...
Jk: oh ok do we have to decorated any wedding Hall?
Ma'am: No it's in their house
She said and again started to check herself and jk walked out from their..
He went towards his desk and yeonjun asked him...
Jun: What happened, does she shouted?
Let her be you know her na hung..
He asked to the bunny boy who was lost in his thoughts
Jk: do you think I will worry about her words...
He said coming to the earth...
Jun: Thank God I thought you are sad
Jk: am I looking like I am sad
Jun: yes you are looking
He said sweetly..
Jk: ok ok we have another contract, she said that we have to do it in the person's house..
Jun: yes and she also said me to arrange each and every thing....
Jk: it's kinda big contract...
He said and sat on his chair...
Jun: then let's start?
He asked and jk indicate him okay by showing his finger...

With Taehyung...

He reached at office it was 10:10 o'clock he was ten minutes late...
As he walked out of car their comes the ton's of bodyguard who were wearing same code suit which was specially designed by their company...
They opened the door of the company which was made up of the glass...
As it was glass and employes who was laughing and giggling stood up seeing their boss coming they stood to greet him..
As he entered in everyone started to greet him he just gave reply with blank face and his assistant who was behind him saying him his schedule...
Tae: what about John?
Assistant: he is present in the meeting room
Tae: ok then I will directly go their and inform who are incharge of this project
He said and entered in the CEO's personal
Tae: bring my coffee in meeting room
He said before closing the door of elevator and pressing the button...
His life was totally like hectic...
As his elevator stopped and door opened...
He put ear piece in his ears and directly went in meeting room and as he entered and took seat John greeted him
John: Good morning man
Tae: Good Morning, that my car was broke that's why I am late..
John: chill bro you are only 10 minutes late
Tae: yes but I am really late...
He said and morning incident came in his mind..
He shrugged it off when he look everyone entered in meeting room and was ready to start the presentation....

After sometime they were in middle of meeting when someone's phone rang and everyone got sacred looking at each other
To know who was he/she?
But Taehyung removed his phone out and look his phone was the one which rang he
Answered the call and he heard his brother's voice
He was damn soft for his family and his siblings...
He is like a cute bear for them...
That was Taehyung duality...
??: Hello hyung...
Someone's voice was heard...
Tae connected it to his ear piece and the he kept his phone on the table and lowering the sound and indicate to continue...
?? : oppa see this idiot is of no use..
Tae: what happen amy?
Amy: Oppa see you send him to choose clothes for me but he is just disturbing me and doing nothing else...
She said in innocent tone..
?? : Yah you stupid, didn't I said i won't be able to select you your engagement costume..
He said snatching the phone from her..
Tae: soobin I send you there so that you can help her to choose the clothes...
He said strictly and other's present their look at him...
But his assistant indicate them, he is talking on the phone and you guys can continue...
Soobin: Hyung I am not able to select first off all she is girl and she is very picky I can't hyung
he said in whinny tone....
Amy: I am picky... I
She  said pointing herself...
Soobin: yes you only...
He said in duh tone..
Amy: Oppa you see he just came here to disturb me and nothing else...
She said whining..
Tae: Guys you went for shopping not for fighting...
He said in strict tone..
Amy/soobin: Here comes Our strict brother...
They both said on sync and hi-fi each other...
Tae: yes I am older than you both then I have to be strict
Amy: oh oppa really?
She said in innocent tone..
Tae: yes really and stop with your talks and buy what you like and return home..
I am in meeting
he said and meeting got over everyone started to walk out of the room not forgetting to greet ceo before going...
They talked for some time then cut the call...
He walked towards his office and entered and sat on his CEO's chair...


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