3. Truth or Trick

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Yawning I realized the sky was already black.
"Jake! Wake up we fell asleep!" I shook him jumping up to grab some clean clothes.
I picked some fuzzy PJ pants and a thick long sleeve shirt, Jake had emptied his overnight bag on the bed & was changing.
I shamelessly watched the peep show.
The mahogany stained pine bedroom door flew open pulling my shirt over my head quickly.
"OHMYGAWD!" Dan ran from the doorway as Jake pulled his clean cargo pants up
"KNOCK FIRST DAN" I tried to sound shocked as I yelled at him
"I forgot! I miss our stairs!" His voice came from the kitchen "I think we're late!"
Shit where were all my clocks?! Where did ny phone go?
"Do you have your phone?" I asked Jake he shook his head no
I tossed the blankets looking for Jake's or my phone. Dan walked back down the hallway carrying 3 mugs of coffee
"Anyone know the time?" He asked

Pointing to a bare spot on the wall where a clock had obviously once hung "Someone took my clock and I haven't the faintest what I did with my phone!" I snapped infuriated I couldn't find a phone. I checked our dirty clothes, No luck.
Donning some warm Muk Luk boots I sipped the coffee Dan had brought "Do you have your phone Dan?" Jake asked him looking at me worriedly. I hated not being able to find My Stuff, it was a pet peeve they had all learned.

"I left mine in Nemo's Truck. Last time I saw Reaper's phone we were at Joe's." He snapped his fingers.
Walking to the living room with our coffees I noticed the moon through a skylight, it was after midnight, I flicked the low light track lighting that ran along my baseboards on. I calmed a little knowing the time was always soothing. Dan opening the french doors jumped back roughly 4 feet spilling coffee everywhere.
Jake shouted first as I sat on the couch unphased by Dan's reactions "What is that?!?" Jake pointed into the darkness.
A low growl emitted just off the porch

Staring into the darkness my eyes adjusted, I spotted what scared Dan and Jake. I patted my thigh willing the beast to come into the light, the growl softened but continued.
"Cas, Knock it off" I chided the darkness "Cas! Girl don't make me call Dad." I patted my thigh again pursing my lips to make Smooch noises.

The Giant Umber dog leapt into the room, Clearing Dan effortlessly making him shriek. Cas started making Happy puppy noises, licking my hands.
"Jake, Dan allow me to introduce Castiel." I scratched her chest as she stood beside me "Cas, that's Jake and That's Dan." I pointed to the male I named as she turned her gaze to them I finished "Cas came to us by way of an old family friend Miss..."

"Oh, Cher!" Her soft subtly Cajun voice entered my doorway full of emotion "I thought your lights were pitching fits this time!" I jumped to my feet, jumping over Cas & the coffee table, wrapping my arms around her.
Breathing deep burying my face in her shoulder; Her ebony skin smelled like Shea butter, her hair smelled like Lilac, Amber and Sage. She held me out at arms length "Let me look at you child! Where you been now? Daniel! Quit staring." Hattie snapped at Dan who was still sitting on the floor but now sat corned against the couch staring confused at the old woman.
Jake extended a hand "I'm..."
Hattie raised a hand silencing Jake "You are Jake, You're the one that saved our Reaper!" She happily cried pulling him into a hug. He bent hugging her back.
Next She turned to Dan extending a hand to help him up She stared into his eyes, flashed a quick glance at me then back to Dan.
"Thanks Ma'am" He said standing
"Guys this is Hattie Mercy; she's been like a surrogate Grandma to us since we'll before I knew anything I suppose, Anyway her and Aunt Gertie were always best of friends." I smiled.
Cas bolted back into the darkness, losing sight of her I looked to Hattie who was still looking at Dan, Her dark eyes seemed to be reading beyond what can be seen; placing her palm on Dan's chest "Have we met before, Cher?" She tilted her head stepping back.
"He's from Duskwood, I don't think you two have met before..." I trailed then asked Hattie "What did you mean you thought my lights were pitching fits?"
I plopped on the couch beckoning Jake to join me.
Hattie sat in a highbacked arm chair in the corner, her eyes looked pained as she began "When you left last May, child things just haven't been right around here." She spun her finger in a lasso shape as if to say the entire area. "In October I was out for a stroll, I needed some special things so I came to your herb garden." Hattie winced
"October? I arrived in Duskwood in October and That's when I met my group." I smiled leaning back into Jake, playfully kicking Dan's leg as I did
"Oh I see." Hattie said to herself "I came up the way I did tonight, All of your clocks were going crazy!" She threw her hands into the air continuing quietly "Your Dad had them all taken out when they wouldn't stop the weird antics. They all stopped at 1 on your birthday Reaper."
"He forgot to tell me and Now I don't know the exact time" I hung my head.
Dan silently walked out the door grabbing a flashlight off of the entry table, best present Nemo ever gave me was that entry table he found in Belgium & refurished.
Jake whispered he'd accompany Dan who seemed to be waiting for a companion, Good the buddy system was important out here until they got their bearings of Life in the forest.
Hattie joined me on the couch, rubbing my back the way she had when I got sick as a child. Heaven only knows where I'd be without Hattie, probably in a psych ward or worse Dead after my Gift became ever prevalent, Small towns or smallish cities like Bayport didn't take kindly to odd kids. Hattie was our Teacher, our Nurse and Nanny but most importantly she was My Grandma even if she wasn't blood, this woman went to bat for the three of us more than once. After we lost Toby, Hattie was the only other person who held huge doubts about the corpse, and that he was actually gone for good. Her soft voice brought me out of my thoughts "You make this old bag of bones Proud, Cher" she beamed "It's about Four thirty or so. All of your friends slept through the Bonfire, Your Dad decided a dawn one would be fun. Now what are they doin'?"
I turned to face the door seeing two no three flashlight beams coming fast down the path.
I couldn't tell if it was Dan or Jake who yelled let alone what they said but a chill went up my spine "Hattie?"
"I'll put the kettle on, Summon Bane." She said brushing her long warm dress off

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