another couple activity

Start from the beginning

"you are seriously afraid of needles, arent you?" she was so surprised she actually guessed right.


"wonwoo-ah its just a little pinch, it wont hurt..." she smiles and pats his shoulder.

"what if it hurts more than that, or something goes wrong?" he starts panicking. "i can share a little tip with you!"


she mades him a sign to come closer like she was about to say the biggest tip on the world. his ear come closer to her lips.

"man up!" she actually yells and wonwoo gets startled. "why am i listening to you, of course there is not a tip!" he pats.

"aghh just dont look at the needle, and... and maybe sing, it can take your mind off the situation!" she proposes and the man rolls his eyes.

"where are we? at the grammys? I am not taylor swift! they will kick me out if i randomly sing. i am obviously not a high school musical character, i am jeon won-" yeri couldnt take his complaing anymore, she grabbed him by the wrist and walked towards the door.

"if i die i-" he was about to threaten her but she interrupted him.

"you'll be dead, you wont be able to do anything so shut up..." she leads him inside the room. "my ghost will haunt you!"

"do you think thats scary? i've been dealing with ghosts before, yours could actually be a clown ghost!" she retorts and then a smily woman enters.

"you must be the kids that wanted to donate your blood?"

wonwoo was making signs of no but yeri pulled his arm around her and smiled with a nod.

"yes its us!" she answers.

"yeah... we so wanted to donate our blood and not run away from that needle you are holding! yuppie!" wonwoo tries not to collapse as soon as he saw the needle.

"are you afraid of that? dont be, it doesnt hurt at all!" the nurse tried to reassure wonwoo.

"yeah, i've heard that before..." the boy whispers.

"so who will go first?" yeri turns to stare at a petrified wonwoo. "its okay, don't do it if you are that scared... just wait for me because i always wanted to do this, okay?" yeri gives up and tries to smile even though she felt a little dissapointed.

she wanted to do that with wonwoo.

"just me! i will do it!" now she finally says to the nurse and the woman nods. "okay, perfect, come here!" she helps yeri sit on a tall chair and approaches her with needles and cottons.

"so dont look at your arm, look over there..." yeri turned her head so she wont look at the needle but her eyes locked with wonwoo's.

he was the one to look at all this time.

"breathe, in and out now please..." she followed every instruction until the needle when inside her. all this time she was just smiling at wonwoo, while breathing. 

it actually didn't hurt that much.

she now was up, approaching her boyfriend.

"thank you so much..." the woman said as a way to greet them but wonwoo didnt feel ready to leave.

"i... i am sorry,  can i also... do it?" he finally decides to be brave for once. "you said you dont want to!" yeri said surprised.

"i changed my mind!" he looks down and then back at her.

"okay, kid, come here, i'll be easy on you..." the nurse jokes and a shy wonwoo occupied the chair yeri was sitting a while ago.

the girl was smiling so genuinely towards him. the boy followed the exact same instructions - staring deeply into her eyes.

right before the needle goes in he even started humming the rhythm of his favourite song - it was that song he first heard because of her on the library one day.

he remembered how happy he was dancing like an idiot in the library with a broom on a hand. everything unraveled so fast, the needle went in and out but wonwoo didnt feel pain.

he was too focused on yeri's eyes and the song.

"you are done sir!" the woman wipes the place she pinned with a cutton and put a band aid on the spot.

the man approached the girl and she placed her arm around his back, placing her head on his chest for a hug.

"thank you so much kids! your help is significant..." the woman announces, they say some last words and they get out of the hospital.

they were holding hands walking down the street but the girl suddenly stopped even when wonwoo didnt. he slowlt turns around.

"what is it?" he says surprised.

"i am so proud of you!" she announces and the boy feels so warm inside. he starts taking steps closer even though his hand was still holding hers.

"you are?!"

"aha! you were great today..." she smiles wider. "then how are you gonna reward me?" he has a sly smirk on. the girl carefully touches his cheek, caressing it.

standing on her tippy toes she decides to leave a lustful peck on his lips. wonwoo closed his eyes and devoured that tiny moment of them.

"i am also proud of you!" he then says when the kiss is over. he starts walking holding her hand.

"why are you proud of me?"

"that you managed to have such a great boyfriend, i was such a catch!" he teases her and the girl kicks his leg.

"what did you just do?" he gasps surprised. "hey catch, catch me if you can!" she starts running. "oh you better keep on running forever cause if i do..." he yells and runs behind her.


bonus scene:

when the woman told them to go and sit before they actually go in and donate their blood, yeri tried not to faint.

looking at all these magazines couldnt help her any of her fears, especially the bigger one - the needles.

coming here was a way to forget her fears, thats why she put that in a list.

she thought it would be nice getting over a huge fear with your best friend. she just didnt know wonwoo had the same fear.

she realized when she saw him sweating on the next thing.

she was so ready to tell him to leave but, just didnt. they were gonna get over this fear together!

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