Unexpectedly, I suddenly noticed the pretty blonde girl from the bus.  I had been thinking about her all morning.  She walked from the left through the aisle between a couple of tables three rows over from me.  I watched her look down at the table markings looking for her seat, and then she found it and then pulled out the chair and sat down.  She was wearing skinny jeans and the whale shirt I had remembered from before.  She was graceful with a beautiful figure, nice legs beneath the jeans and a tiny waist.  She spent a little time arranging her stuff and looked around her,  I cast my eyes down as I did not want her to see me looking at her.  After a while I looked up and saw her comfortably sitting at the table with a book to read.  Just as in the morning her book looked more like a novel and not a school book.  She was not near me, but I could tell she was indeed as pretty as I had remembered her from the bus, and her beautiful hair cascaded down in highlights and curls framing her face and shoulders.  I was definitely captivated by her and could not help but stare.  As she read she sometimes showed interesting expressions on her face, but it was always sweet.  She really did not seem that interested in the kids around her and remained buried in the book.  In contrast, most other kids around us were constantly looking around trying to figure out what other kids were into.

Between having the pretty blonde in front of me and the other cute girl with the beautiful legs sitting inches from me on my right there was no hope I could concentrate on doing any work.  I just sat there and looked around the room and glanced at the girls from time to time.  It was not a good place to study but it was a nice place to be.


Eventually the bell rang and it was time to go to my next study hall, which was my fake study hall because of not going to gym.  Since I did not have to go far I took the opportunity to go outside by the tables and walkways in back of the school off the cafeteria.  According to my schedule I would simply go back into the cafeteria and find my other assigned seat in about five minutes.

I exited the building at the glass door by the kitchen.  It was nice being in the fresh air again and I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.  Some of the trees here were in bloom and I saw how pretty the blossoms were up close.  There were beds of flowers as well.  I stopped to smell blossoms on tree branches that hung low but these did not seem to have any scent.

It occurred to me that it was amazing to think that in this world there were so many beautiful things like these flowers and beautiful girls as well.  And it was so horrible to think that at the same time in this same world you would have the horrible things that I had seen and experienced in my dreams.  It was like heaven and hell, side by side.

I also thought about my homework and how I might be able to do it.  I worried that I would run into some areas that my dead memory would prevent me from functioning in.  I already had a bunch of spelling words to memorize and I could tell by my biology text book that there would be a lot of material covered, but for biology the material seemed vaguely familiar.  I would definitely need to strategize how I would have to manage all this.  One thing for sure, I would not be able to do much homework in that first study hall.  Maybe I would need to bring a book to read like that pretty blonde had.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash and a cry, and there was a commotion coming from my left.  I glanced over there and saw a trash can with a person's pair of feet sticking out of it into the air.  It was located near a dumpster that I presumed the school used with the kitchen.  A big kid was walking away from it, but I could only see him from the back.  The legs protruding from the garbage can were wiggling around and it seemed like the person in the garbage can was stuck.

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