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She had settled in marginally well, developing a new persona along with it.

Once a little girl who lived each and every day going through torture and torment-
To now being a person who barely gave a shit about anything unless it was something of her interest and also had a catnip addiction.

It's like drugs.
For cats.
(And people with cat related quirks)
Sort of like a more dangerous version of anti-depressants.

This substance had been 'banned' (as Shota had phrased it) from her possession to stop her bouncing off of the walls, literally.

She had attended; 'Nabu Middle School' along with her adoptive brother, Hitoshi Shinsou, less commonly referred to by his actual surname (Shinsou actually being his middle name), also being Yazawa.

Yazawa was a combination of both the last names of Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada;

They had taken the 'Ya-' from Hizashi's last name and the '-Zawa' from Shota's last name.

But aside from that.
Middle school was now far behind in priorities.
Both teenagers were now attending the ''Prestigious'' UA Academy.

Though having been separated into different classes, it was not a difficult task to communicate with one-another through a series of screaming and shouting and weird glances and making an attempt to embarrass each other Infront of their classmates.
Aka; 'Normal sibling behaviour'.

This consisted of statements such as;

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It had only been three days into the first term, on their first year at UA Highschool, it was now time for the first outing / field trip in the different classes.

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Aizawa: "The journey will only take around an hour. There will be no stops in-between and I expect you all to stay prepared and focused in and until we reach the USJ, does everyone underst-"


He said this, grinning widely, accidentally snapping the left band to his braces in the process as a loud bushel of commotion formed within the class, around 15 different conversations occuring at the same time, over half of them to mock a student named; 'Katsuki Bakugo'.

Shota sighed and looked back to the front of the bus, rubbing his eyes as he had not managed to fall asleep comfortably the night prior.

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Around an hour later..

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The school bus had halted at an absolutely enormous building, each and every student continuing the racket they were causing, it being increased by their excitement-
Until Aizawa threatened to expell them all on the spot.
Then they eventually shut up.

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Around an hour later

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It had taken a while to usher them into the building, there only being 2 teachers and around 20 students.

The time passed as Thirteen introduced themself and gave them the brief explanation of their training exercise and what they were expected to do when situations such of this may occur in real circumstances.
Until they were interrupted that is.

A purple cloud of smoke appeared in the distance of the training grounds.
It seemed to expand in its size.
Until it became a doorway of some sort.
A portal, if you will.
There were people, but not students or teachers.
Not even other pros.

These people had their quirks at the ready.
Coming by the dozens.
These were vilians.
And at the centre of it all.
A man that appeared to be wearing decapitated hands over parts of his body, majorly his face and arms.
Tomura Shigaraki
He did not appear to be here for her.
No one within the community of villains knew what she had done.
At least no one knew to the extent of her knowledge.
But they surely would after spotting her.
They'd certainly sell her to Overhaul for some extra cash.

The hid behind one of her classmates, still trying to make out what was going on.

They were here- FOR ALL MIGHT-!?
(Well yeah obviously)

Within a second


She and 3 of her fellow classmates were plunged into a large body of water which was supposed to have been used for the water crisis zone for the upcoming practicals the students were supposed to be training in until interrupted.
Now infested with villains.
Most all of them posing threat towards them.

Mistey Yazawa can not swim.
But being teleported into the equivalent of the middle of the sea or a giant lake.
Most people are taught at a young age how to swim, for pleasure or for getting yourself out of situations such as this.

Miura had not learned to swim, meaning neither did Mistey.

There was no need to teach an experiment how to do such useless tasks if their purpose is to serve from inside the walls of the facility.

But you can just learn how in desperate times can you not?


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