How one can escape the clutches

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There was once a time where he had a daughter, he being sir, sir being overhaul.
Sir wanted a son, Sir received a daughter.
Sir made do.

His daughter was unhealthily underweight due to the strick diet and long periods of starvation she was forced into.
She looked to be a younger version of her mother, except with his eyes and shorter hair, always kept around her shoulders and never allowed to grow more than an inch before trimming.

The mother of his child was a woman with hair that reached down to the begining of her shoulder blades, her hair was mauve with strands of roseate, this woman was one to match his prejudice ideals, someone join his journey of discrimination.

A theory, those quirks that were developed at most everyone's younger years, when paired with those that were already a combination of the parents would always result in either the combination belonging to the partner or the person themselves.
It has always resulted in a cancelation.
But what if that cancellation was applied to someone whom was already past the age of quirk development.
What if you cancelled out their quirk?
. . .

Why are quirks celebrated?
They are nothing but poison in our society.
Those born with quirks superior to others become selfish and entitled.
They don't have to work to 'earn' their place in the world.
They just make it big as pro heroes because that's all that anyone wants to do.
The media has spread their propaganda and infected the minds of everyone.

Heroes are the reason we have vilians.
They cause the problems plaguing the world and yet they are still celebrated and heck!
Their payed for beating a few people up.
It's easy money.
What's the point in having money if you didn't work hard to come into possession of it?
Money was made to be worked for, not just handed out like commendations for the whole class after you went on a residential for being so 'kind' and 'well behaved' And 'respectful' AND SHOWING YOUR VALUABLE SKILLS WHEN WORKING WITH YOUR TEAM.
These heroes are nothing but school children in flashy outfits who rely on others to get the check.

And sure you can teach them a lesson with those 'quirk canceling quirks', they sure exist but what if you didn't need to find someone of that ability.
What if all that power could be stored in a compact bullet to aim at the target and watch a part of themselves disappear into nothing.

All you need is some kids with promising quirks and to extract them.
Then you combine them and then you sell.
Think of the profit.
All those consumers would kill for it.
They would kill with it.
You worked had for it.
You deserve it.

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Sir used his daughter, along with others of around her age range to create the prototypes.
His daughter was out of touch with the outside world. He kept her chained up most the day. Only letting her be free of those chains for experimentation or to keep an eye on her.

The child was not as obedient as he would have liked.
Always protesting against anything that would lead her to getting hurt, although, she would always cave in eventually.
After all, there's no winning once he's mad.
To say that the daughter had experiences the impact of his quirk would be a great understatement, it was almost daily that she would become a punching bag for his frustration.

Why would you wanna stay stuck like that?
You wouldn't.
You'd run.
You'd run even if there were consequences.
If it's that important to escape, you'll find a way, maybe you'll get close, maybe you'll just be stuck there plotting, planning, watching, waiting.
Waiting till your caretaker stops keeping such a close eye on you all the time.
Waiting for the moment experiments are on a hold because your too 'sick'
Waiting until he trusts you.
Waiting until the day that he forgets to chain you up.
She had come to the age of 14 at the time he had forgotten to do so.
It was around 11PM
It was winter.
She had run. Not daring to look back, untill-

Miura: ". . .I-"
There was a slight crack in her voice
Miura: "Im- im out-?"

She had indeed escaped.
She spent the next few hours hopelessly walking around the outside, her feet having more cuts on them now from treading on a shattered bottle that had been discarded on the side of the pavement.

Escorted to the police department.

Made to stay there for safe keeping.

They contacted the heroes.

The heroes-
. . .
Took her in?

Yes that was also one of the many factors that came into play, the 'Hero Committee'

Yet it was not the heroes, well it was heroes but not them all at once, their names were 'Hizashi Yamada' and 'Shota Aizawa'

They were homosexuals-
Sir said people who choose to love in that way should be killed on the spot-
Sir didn't say how nice they could be.
How kind.
How caring.
Why did he hate such lovely people

He never did what they could do with ease-
so why?

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. . .Two years later. . .
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Mistey: "NUH-UH"

Her name had been changed from the name 'Miura Chisaki' to her newly found name 'Mistey Yazawa' for the simple reason of how painful it was to her to hear herself being referred to as by his name or one that was supposed to be hers.

It was not deliberately spelled M-i-s-t-e-y with an 'E'. It was nothing more than a spelling error made by Hizashi as it did happen to be quite the late hour when she was adopted into their care.

Days of torture and torment were far behind.
Her career as a hero had begun.

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