ϟ 12 | I feel loved

Start from the beginning

"Eavesdropping? About what?" Hermione whisper shouts. Harry also looks curious when his eyes grow large. The three wait earnestly for you to speak up. Exhaling with a crinkle to your nose, you sheepishly mutter out. "They were talking about who Draco is going to the Yule Ball with." 

Ron, Hermione, and Harry all look ahead to Draco and his goonies. The four turn the corner and out of sight momentarily. "Did they say who?" Harry questions. You shrug in response, speaking up. "Pansy's name was mentioned but I'm not completely sure." 

"Makes sense. That's the only girl who hangs around Draco." Ron nonchalantly comments. Hermione rolls her eyes to Ron's statement. "Doesn't mean he should go out with Pansy to the Yule Ball. Y/N and I are yours and Harry's friends but you don't see me going to the ball with one of you." Hermione interjects with her own opinion. 

Ron looks baffled from Hermione's words. Now the two are bickering again on the topic of who Hermione is going to the ball with. Harry looks away from his two friends to focus on you. You hear Harry's soft voice by your ear. "Why were you eavesdropping on Draco anyway Y/N? You usually avoid him." 

You're rendered speechless to Harry's statement. He's right. You always make sure to avoid Draco and if you're forced to be in his presence, you make sure it's quick. Have your own feelings towards Draco soften as well? Dear lord...

"Just curious." You answer truthfully to Harry. You glance over to Harry who stares at you in silence. Harry's silence is unsettling and you feel as though he's trying to analyze you. To distract him and your own anxiety, you adjust Harry's glasses that are slipping down his nose bridge. Harry flutters his eyelashes from your action as he's pulled out from his deep thought. 

"Have you been asked as a date to the Yule Ball Harry? I would be surprised if you haven't yet." You wear a half smile towards the circle rimmed glasses wearing boy. Harry awkwardly chuckles under his breath while running his fingers through his hair. "Don't act so coy Harry! He's been asked by several girls after breakfast this morning." Ron huffs out, clearly jealous of his friend. 

That's no surprise either. Harry is no ordinary boy. He's Harry Potter. The name itself is legendary. Now imagine going to the Yule Ball with Harry Potter. That's an achievement in it's own. "Any lucky winner from those proposals?" You curiously ask Harry. 

Harry wears his usual shy smile with a shake to his head. "None." Oddly you feel a lightness in your chest when you hear Harry's answer. Why do you feel happy that he's rejected all of those girls? You're having a hard time understanding your own emotions. "I hope their hearts are okay. Being rejected sounds painful." You snicker under your breath. Glancing over, you make eye contact with Ron. "It looks like we're the losers in our group Ron. You and I have yet to be asked by anyone." 

Ron groans under his breath while he ruffles his hair in annoyance. "That makes no sense! We're both the champions! Shouldn't we have a line of people asking us to the Yule Ball?" The boy crosses his arms and storms off ahead. You bubble out into laughter when you watch Ron walk away. Deep down you're a bit sadden that no one's asked you yet. But genuinely you wouldn't know if you'll even enjoy the Yule Ball. 

All eyes would be on you and that's anxiety filled enough. You try to hide in the shadows. But it's a bit hard to now if you're one of the champions in the Triwizard Tournament. The three of you hurry after Ron and enter the classroom through the large double metal doors. The classroom is empty with only the entities of seventh year students from all four houses. Professor McGonagall enters shortly after.

Her witch robes fly behind her as she walks in with brisk. Everyone parts a pathway for McGonagall as she stands in the center of the empty classroom. Deathly silence fills the room as everyone gives her their undivided attention. McGonagall clears her throat as she eyes each student with a piercing gaze. "Now I'm sure you're all aware by now that we will have the Yule Ball on the 25th of December. That being said, I'm sure not many of you know how to dance. This class will teach you the proper steps."

𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖉𝖚𝖊 𝖚𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 | Harry Potter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now