Raphael | Heartbroken...

Start from the beginning

"No, we have to save Raph. Come on." Leo walked away and pulled out his twin katanas.

"Leo, wait," Donnie spoke but Leo cut her off. "If you won't come, I'll go myself." Leo swung his katanas but his power wasn't working.

"We've lost our mystic power," Donnie explained.

"We don't have a plan," Mikey added.

"We don't need a plan. Remember I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen" He pointed his katana at Casey without facing him. "His words."

"Shouldn't we talk about this before we run off all half-cocked, willy-nilly pell-mell?" Donnie asked again.

"Look." Leo turned around to face his brothers."I keep being told I'm doing this hero thing wrong. But Y/N got the key, Didn't she? We get results, so now we're doing it my way."

Splinter put his claw over Leo's hand. "My son, Listen to your team. This is not about you." Leo clenched his teeth tightly and pulled away from his father's grasp.

"They made it about me when they took my brother." He threw his one katana angrily at a wall. "Trust me, I got this." Splinter tried to reach out to his son but he walked away and pulled out his katana from the wall. "Donnie, you're driving." He sheathed his weapons and walked past his brothers.

Donnie and Mikey looked at each other. Y/N wiped her tears and followed the leader. They start following the leader too. Mikey wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

"What do we do with this?" April asked Casey, who was still holding the kraang key.

"We can't just bring it with us, but we can't just leave it behind." April takes the canister from him.

"Then we should destroy it. Splints and I will stay here and take care of business." She said. Splinter gave Casey the thumbs up while he was looking at his hairy leg.

Casey walked away from her and said: "Thanks, Commander O'Neil." he began to follow the others.

"Commander? I like the sound of that." She said to herself.

On a supply ship, Raph was being held hostage by the kraang. He opened his eyes and saw he was wrapped in kraang-infected vines. He freaked out when he saw eyes blinking at him, and tried to get out of the vines.

"Look at it." The female kraang said. She walked over to Raph and softly wrapped her tentacles around his neck. "Disgusting."

"Try looking in a mirror," Raph said.

"Ugh, It's talking to me." She looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm going to rip out its tongue." Her words scared him a bit but he didn't show it.

"Forgive my sister." The tall kraang said. The female jumped off of Raph and stood next to her smaller sibling. The two bowed down to the rectangle kraang. "She's got a bit of a temper."

The smaller one used his tentacles to lower Raph but still wrapped up.

"And being in prison for a thousand years hasn't done her any favours." He began to inspect Raph. He wasn't normal like the others on Earth. "You're not human. What are you?" He asked as he lifts up Raph's head by the chin.

"Let me go, and I'll show you." He said angrily. He walked forward a bit as the vines were stopping him. He was breathing heavily in anger.

"Hmm. You're more powerful than the people of this planet, yet you defend them. Why?"

"It's my duty," Raph replied, gritting his teeth together.

Kraang chuckled a bit. "A word used by the weak. Many planets before yours have spoken of duty. They too have been consumed by the kraang." He walks away from the snapping turtle. "And now, our glorious crusade continues, to restore the natural order of things. The strong will devour the weak."

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