Cold as Ice

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Luna's Pov:

It was dark and I couldn't move but I could tell that someone else fell off as well as I heard something hit the ground.

That's when I heard the sound hooves and later lfighting.

'Someone's here?'

I then tried to sit up which I was successful at and turned to see Rain but he was still a zombie and was not moving but alive.

That's when someone in a suit teleported in and gave Rain a potion which temporarily paralyzed him. He then went over to me.

"Listen kid if you want to survive stick with me." They said

I nodded and tried to stand up but stumbled a bit.

"My name's Ser Patrick." Ser Patrick said

He then went to pick up Rain and teleported Rain and I back up to his horse and his partner Daryll who was theif.

He then put Rain on the back of Daryll's horse and put me on the back of his.

We then rode in silence back to Frostbourne.

When we got back there they took Rain and I up to the top of some building. Where a blue haired girl named Lady Azura and a Knight were waiting.

I was given some bandages and then Rain was put on some ice and that's when Lady Azura started the machine.

When it finished the Golden Apple disappeared and Rain sat up as he was cured but his right eye was now glowing red.

After that Rain and I were sent to train. I practiced with my Ender abilities and Rain trained in combat. We were also given new armor and Rain was given a new weapon.

'Alright. I need to focus. One more time.'

I then put my hands out and started to concentrate.

After sometime I opened my eyes and found my vision white as I looked around I saw my hands glowing white and I was lifted off the ground with a white aura.

'This feels so strange.'

I then released a chain out of my hand and it wrapped around the dummy and then I ripped its hand off retracting the chain.

After 10 minutes I then fell to the ground as I felt extremely tired and returned back to normal.

"That is more exhausting than I thought it would be." I said looking at my hands

Out of no where I started having a coughing fit.
I then realized there was a small amount of blood on my hands.

'I guess using this ability comes with a price. Unless I learn to control it better.'

Soon the coughing slowly stopped. I then took out my Ender Sword and started to spin it around before throwing it at the dummy missing the target a bit.

'Damn my aim is off.'

I then heard an alarm start to go off.

"What now?" I questioned

I then ran up stairs to see Lady Azura and Rain on the roof.

Just then Enderman started to teleport into Frostbourne and started attacking people.

I then saw an enderman teleport behind me and try to teleport me away but I jumped out of the way.

"Since when do Enderman try to teleport you away?" I questioned

I grabbed my sword from my back and used it to attack the Enderman.

"Sorry Enderman but this is in self defense." I said finishing them off

I looked over my shoulder to see Rain fighting an Enderman.

I then saw the Ender Dragon fly over head as it burned the village and it left through an end portal.

I looked at Rain and Lady Azura as I summoned my chain from hand it I wrapped around the Ender Dragons tail which dragged me in with it but what I didn't know was that Rain also followed.

I released the chain as I teleported into the End and saw Ceris the End Matriarch, Vordus, and Zeganirn, The End Dancer.

My mother had told me stories of her visits here and helping the Ender Watchers. I guess that made me an Ender Watcher as well.

I turned into my End Wolf form before actually going over to Ceris so she would recognize me.
I saw the Ender Dragon flying over head with an Ender Fury.

I then saw Ceris teleport down from the tower and teleported in front of me.

"Luna, I see you have returned. I'm also sorry about your mother she was a brave warrior. But you also have to take her place as the trainer of the Ender Fury." Ceris said

"As you wish Matriarch." I said bowing

"Oh and since your an Ender Watcher anyone who is Enderkin can understand." She explained

"That makes sense." I said

I then saw the Ender Fury landed in front of me growling before he recognized my scent from my mother.

"Easy boy...It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you." I said calmly

The Ender Fury snarled and circled around me.

I turned back to my human form making the Ender Fury jump back before he crooned and sat in front of me.

"See? We're not that different." I said

The Ender Fury stood up and put his tail in front of his head waving it a little before setting it down.

"Is that your way of saying you trust me?" I asked

The Ender Fury nodded

He then went and stood beside me.

"Seems he recognizes your mother sent on you that's a good thing." Ceris said

"That's for sure." I said smiling "What's his name?"

"Void." She said

Just then I saw Rain teleport in front of the other Ender Watchers.

"You we're followed?" Ceris asked

"I didn't know he followed me?" I said

Ceris then teleported back to her the other Ender Watchers and I got onto Void and watched as he was getting surrounded by Enderman and the Ender dragon then landed in front of him.

"Is he insane he's going to get himself killed." I said

"Well then he shouldn't have followed you. For now it's the Ender Dragons judgement we trust." Ceris said

I sighed as I watched.

Rain then pulled out an Eye of Ender and showed it to the Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon's eyes turned white and allowed him to get on his back.

"I see. You have an alliance. Dragon Tamer." Ceris said

The Ender Dragon and Void flew in the air and flew through a portal which took us back to the Overworld.

When we made it back we saw everyone staring at us as we rode on the dragons.

The Enderman stopped attacking the people and went back to the End as Rain and I landed our dragons on the wall surrounding Frost Bourne.

We then given order by Ser Patrick and started to fly off towards one of the Nether outposts.

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