Gently Into the Night

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Bilbo Baggins considered himself a simple creature with simple wants and simple needs, even in spite of all he had experienced in these two and a half years since arriving in Mordor.

The glow of Mount Doom illuminated the master bedroom, covering the room in a soft golden glow.

But there was something deeply satisfying on a visceral level about the rarity before him.

Mairon was snoring, not in a deep nasally way but so softly that it could be mistaken for the twinkle of a tiny bell.

The Ainur, or perhaps only Maiar, needed such little sleep, food, and water that Bilbo would believe that they never partook in such things if he had not witnessed it himself.

The hobbit had no idea how long this sight would last, but he had woken up and his husband was still asleep for once, which had never happened before.

The Dark Lord looked so gentle in rest, at peace in a way that made Bilbo long to snuggle closer but he did not dare move and possibly wake him.

He looked otherworldly with the golden clow of the volcano on his pale features and Bilbo wondered how Sauron could have ever asked him if he found him unattractive and if he wanted him to change how he looked.

Feeling his eyes beginning to fight to return to rest, he mentally cursed Melkor for ever thinking Mairon not enough and let himself succumb to sleep.

Of course, the feather gentle kiss he felt pressed on his lips as his husband left the bed to start the day an unknowable amount of time later when his brain was in half-sleep made him awfully happy as well.


An age passed and the Dagor Dagorath arrived at long last as the Door of Night burst open and the Great Foe emerged and stole away from Valinor to Middle Earth and the world went dark as his evil blocked out both the Sun and Moon as he began his journey to Mordor, where he expected his lieutenant to have had everything prepared for his return.

Honestly, Melkor had trouble believing he was in Mordor at first, despite this being where he had planned for the kingdom to be, it was covered in greenery save for the areas that truly could not handle it like the lands closest to the volcano and the Black Gate.

Passing a statue of Sauron in his armour, he landed eventually on a balcony on the highest point of the tower.

"Mairon!" He shouted, not liking to be kept waiting, especially when he knew his lieutenant had seen him arriving

A wall of flames appeared before him and the maia he called for emerged, except he looked all wrong with his straight silvery hair when he was so much better as a ginger.

"Good morning, or shall I say evening with the eternal night that you have brought?" Sauron greeted, standing before him

That was the second oddity in his lieutenant's behavior: he did not kneel or bow or call him 'master' or 'my lord'.

"The armies are readying outside." The blond said when the vala did not reply, "Let us join them."

And outside they went but there was no one to be seen outside the fortress city of Barad-dûr, save for: one short creature with curly blond hair, green eyes and peasant-style clothing along with Manwë, Eönwë, Aulë, Tulkas and Túrin Turambar.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Melkor demanded, looking at the maia in clear fury

"I am pleased to report that you were wrong." Mairon smiled, "Manwë granted me pardon. Aulë welcomed me back into his household and workshops. I am forgiven."

"You will fade." Melkor reminded, his coal eyes going back and forth from the unwanted company and his traitorous lieutenant, "Wasted on petty things when you had glory at my side."

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