Pulling off into a Scenic overlook we got out of the truck stretching, Alfie was peacefully sleeping in the backseat using Bane as a pillow. Thirty miles ago Alfie had a meltdown, he missed his mom and wanted to ride with Bane so we traded a gear bag for Alfie.
Leaving the window rolled down, Shutting the door as quietly as I could I joined the others who had parked behind me facing south.
"Everyone good so far?" I said looking at my friends road weary faces. Only Nemo, Grey, and I were used to such quick paced travel, not even Jessy the most traveled of them all looked haggard. "Only about another twenty minutes on the road, Then we get Venison Chili and Cinnamon buns!"
"I'm sore." Nemo said cracking his own back "Shadow Spar with me?" He said smiling at Jake, I knew Nemo wanted to really spar to loosen up.

"Absolutely not." I clenched my Jaw.

Jake who had been practicing his sparring put his dukes up playfully "Bring it, Pine needle butt!"
Nemo lunged for Jake who evaded perfectly and shoved Nemo towards where I stood, bring claps from our cheer squad. Nemo unable to right himself tripped into me, I put him into a loose choke hold giving him a Noogie.

"Reaper Cheated!" Dan laughed

I released Nemo, who stood next to me. Nemo placed his arm on my shoulder as if I was a counter to be leaned on "That isn't cheating Hot Wheels. The rules are if you accuse cheating you must prove it." Nemo goaded slyly.
"How do I do that?!" Dan asked completely shocked
"You, Me, first one on the ground is the Liar." I winked at him, fake jumping towards him making him turn and run into the woods
"You two think that's a good idea?!?!" Grey scolded us appalled at the sudden danger.
I whistled shortly twice then along one, Stay Bane Stay; And I ran after Dan.
Jumping over rocks I could easily see the path he took.
"DAN! NOT HERE! There's Venomous Snakes dude!" I hollered, hearing him rush looping back towards the car park I caught sight of his royal blue flannel.
"The Fuck! No one said that!!!!" He screamed terrified of the unknown slithering serpents amongst the dead leaves.
"One, Two Reapers coming for you!" I shouted back at him as he reached the paved car park, reaching it myself not 30 seconds behind Dan, I slowed down laughing as he dove into Nemo's Truck locking the door behind him.
"HEY!" Nemo screamed "My truck is off limits!"
Dan stuck his tongue out at Nemo.
"Can we go to new home now?" Alfie yawned leaning out of my truck cab.

"Let's roll" Jessy smiled blushing at Nemo "I miss riding with you."

"I miss having you riding shotty too Red." He blushed deeply turning to face his truck door he hissed "Unlock the damn door Dan."
I stood next to my Blazer watching everyone load up or attempt too in Nemo's case.

What happened next took me completely off guard, I should have seen this one coming well I did but not this.
Jessy reaching deep into her sweatpants pocket she pulled out a large GMC key, putting it into Nemo's drivers side door.
"Thanks Red!" Nemo said allowing her to climb in the cab before him, Nemo glanced at me looking like a mystified child. I smiled at him thinking 'I saw that, I know what that means!'

"Backseat Alf." I waited for Alfie to climb into the backseat then climbed in starting the engine "Jake, When we stop at Home be ready to record." I giggled not sharing my plan
"Did I miss something, Babe?" Jake asked keeping eye contact as we idled, I wanted to go last.
"Hang on." I said grabbing the cb mic "Car 2 and 3, you're going out first. 2, then 3 and I'll bring up the rear. Take the old trail road, Im going to lag a minute." I let go hearing Grey's affirmation and Jessy ensuring We'd be fine we saw them pull away.
Turning to Jake I smiled ear to ear "Jess has a key to Nautilus!"
"Wait wait wait Nemo named this truck Nautilus?" Jake stared connecting the dots laughing at his rhetorical question.

Not All Who Wander: A Duskwood FanficWhere stories live. Discover now