Window 21 - December 21st

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Welcome to December 21st, 2022!

Three days left until the celebrations begin!

Did you know that the letters in the word Christmas can make up 421 words? Of course, not all letters are used in these words. Today we invite you to a fun game of finding words in a word!

How many words can you find in M I S T L E T O E?

How many words can you find in the word S N O W A N G E L?

Let us know how many words you can find in the comment section!

Today, WattpadLGBTQ-IN is hosting its very own activity! If you want to participate in some more activities, check out their Advent Calendar! 

Come back tomorrow for more! ★°*

Xmas Advent Calendar 2022Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ