Window 1 - December 1st

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Welcome to December 1st, 2022! Have you rummaged through the attic, basement, or storage for holiday decorations already? We know we have. Let's move forward with this festive season with a contest.

1 — One day, you noticed a package sitting outside your door

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1 — One day, you noticed a package sitting outside your door. You open it to see a snow globe along with a note reading, 'Shake, and the Magic of Christmas will appear.' Skeptical, you shake it, and an elf appears.

2 — You're sitting in front of the Christmas tree with gifts you've bought and wrapped for yourself when you hear the doorbell ring. When you answer it, you see the last person you ever expected to see.

3 — Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but accidents do happen. Write about a Christmas accident that left you stronger and more affectionate about the holiday.

4 — Myth says that writing your wish on a piece of paper and covering it with snow and a white flower will send your letter to Santa. Curious about the legitimacy of the myth, you decide to join in with your friends, but as the jokester of the group, you wish for the season to change every 6 hours on the day of Christmas.

Poetry 1 — Write a piece with the theme First Snowfall

Poetry 2 — Write a piece with the theme Magic of Christmas

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Poetry 2 — Write a piece with the theme Magic of Christmas.

Poetry 2 — Write a piece with the theme Magic of Christmas

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Your story cannot contain more than 2000 words or less than 1000 words

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Your story cannot contain more than 2000 words or less than 1000 words. We're willing to give a small leeway of 50 words, but do your best to stay within the given limit.

Poetry entries cannot contain more than 200 words. We're willing to give a small leeway of 20 words, but do your best to stay within the given limit.

Your entry should be a single chapter. If your story contains multiple story chapters, your entry will automatically be disqualified.

We'd like this to be family-friendly, so mature content is not allowed. If you're unsure what counts as mature or not, please refer to Wattpad Content Guidelines (

Fanfiction and LGBTQIAP+ are welcomed.

Your entry must be specifically written for this contest.

Your entry must be written in any of the following languages: English, Portuguese, Hindi, Chinese, Swedish, and Indonesian.

You can co-write, but only one profile will be eligible for prizes.

You can post your story as a stand-alone or part of an existing collection. However, if posted in an existing collection, you'll need to link the in the submissions form, not the story details page.

Feel free to use the tag #XmasContest2022

All entries must be submitted through THIS FORM ( Any entries submitted after December 31st, 11.59 PM GMT+1, will not be considered eligible for judging. You're welcome to share your contest entry in the comment section, but only doing so will not make your entry eligible for judging.

 You're welcome to share your contest entry in the comment section, but only doing so will not make your entry eligible for judging

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All participants can add this sticker ( to their story cover.

❄️ A specifically made sticker to put on your cover.

❄️ A shoutout from all participating profiles

❄️ All entries will be featured in the same book that shares the same language as their entry. 

Xmas Advent Calendar 2022Where stories live. Discover now