Chapter 99:The original Shiranui has come!

Start from the beginning

Azazel:That's why I send Vali to take care of him, but he came too late. Who knows. Maybe he saw an good ass and was late because of it.

Vali:You know I can hear, right? I'm litteraly right here.

Azazel:I'm all about peace right now. So, peace. Let's make peace.

Michael:You've also taken quiet the obssesion on Sacred Gears.

Azazel:That's a story as old as the world. At least I don't snitch the passions of my brothers to the entire heaven.

Myouri:...This world dissapoints .e more and more.


Myouri:Well, yeah. But this one's worse.

Kujira:If my siblings would have done that, I'd have covered them with stiches.

Zenkichi:Taking that expressions to the next level, huh?

Hanosode:Hyahahaha! You shouldn't expect less from a minus!

Michael:Azazel...It has been centuries since than. That's not even why you've fallen. Get over it.

Serafall:Oh, the leader of the angels? A snitch?

Sirzech:Now those are some juicy news!

Sakura:Huh, they're a lot more relaxed than I thought they'd.

Kumagawa:[I think this is much more entertaining, really.]

Sakura:Me too.

Michael gave a deep sigh at the blaming game turning on him. Azazel gave a deep laugh and turned back on point.

Azazel:If we're talking about peace, why not ask the powerhouses around? Vali?

Vali:So much time I can fight strong opponents, I'm alright. Although I'm sad that I live in a world without God. I wished to fight God.

Kumagawa:[Now that's ironic.]

Najimi:Haha, guess it comes with the blood!



Azazel:Ah, so you figured out?

Kumagawa:[Not so hard to tell. He does have the traits.]

Azazel:I see. What about you?

Kumagawa:[Hm, well I would prefer peace. If a war breaks out among earth it's likely the publishimg of Weekly Shounen Jump would stop.]

Gagamaru:Yes, it'd truly be a tragedy!

Shibuki:Man, that'd suck!

Mukae:I hope no war breaks out...

Kouki:I still don't get what's the relationship between minuses and Shounen Jump.

Zenkichi:I stopped asking a long time ago and just accepted it.

Azazel:Hahaha, so we're saved by Shounen Jump? Now that's something I've never heard before before. And you, Red Dragon Emperor?

Issei:Uh...Peace. Definetly peace. War's too complicated for me. I'm barely keeping up with school.

Azazel:We sure have a interesting generations in our hands, don't we?

Serafall:I think Kumagawa-kun's reason was pretty valid. I'd freeze the earth if I didn't get my magic girl manga!

Kumagawa:[On another subject entirely, I wonder what you guys can give me?]

Azazel:Hm? To most it might sound like a threat, but...Do you have a bussiness offer?

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