Chapter 2 - Falling for You Without My Consent

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Nashi's POV:

..... Storm...? Where are you! I can't see you anywhere, come back to me! Can you hear me?!

I woke up this morning with the worst headache ever, all thanks to Cana and her heavy drinking last night and basically shoving those bottles down my throat. But what was that dream..? Was Storm in any danger? Heh, I can't believe it's been 7 years since we met at my birthday and yet I still have dreams like this. I just wish they'd stop.. They give me the worst anxiety.

I look at the time on the clock and it says 8:00AM. Hold on, it's already 8AM?! Crap, I'm gonna be late again for school! Why would Cana do this to me on a school night!? I rush to get dressed and down the stairs of my home, where I live with my parents, skipping a few steps along the way. I can't believe she did this to me!

"Hey mom, can't stay, gotta go, love you!" I caught a glimpse of mom on the way out. I'm wearing my usual short-ish skirt, a decent shirt that covers what needs covering and my boots. I sprint all the way to school, but I have no idea how I had enough stamina to begin with, guess I must have sobered up a bit from the exercise although it didn't help my hangover! I arrive outside the school, somehow early considering how late I left! I look over to the main gate of the school to see a very familiar face, one that brightens my day.

"Hey, Storm! Good morning!" I collect my escaping breaths and walk up to him slowly, although I have no idea if this is successfully hiding the fact that I am currently very low on stamina. I'm also holding back the vomit that's trying to climb out from not only the hangover, but the juggling of my stomach that came with that exercise.. In any case, I smile at him with my best smile and I try and ignore the stares glaring at me. The thing is, Storm has always been the most popular guy at school, for looks and smarts. Nothing I ever get from anyone, not that I expect it. If anything, I'm the opposite; I seem to be the most hated person in this school, with all the girls constantly staring at me as if I did them some sort of grave evil in their lives, and their boyfriends just as much. I also get hated on by one specific girl, who's always been spreading rumours and publicly humiliating me since the day she met me, for no apparent reason. And because of these rumours, nobody tries to help and always laughs at every situation I get into. At the very least, I have Storm..

Storm's POV:

I look over at Nashi, who is very clearly hungover, and smile back at her. "Good morning, sleepy head. Just what time did you get up this morning, hm?" It's not every day, but most of the time she likes waking up late and rushing into school. Although I don't have any idea why she would come in with a hangover, or why she was even drinking last night.

"Haha.. That's not that important, is it? I'm here, I'm still early, so what's the big deal? Come on, I can't actually be late for class!" .. She responds to me still with that smile on her face, and I can't help but smile. Not for any particular reason. None at all. ANYWAY, she walks ahead of me the entire way to class, but always making conversation. She's always been the talker in our friendship, not that it bothers me, I actually don't mind listening. But, uh, I don't think the other guys like me being the one to listen.. The thing is, Nashi is, in everyone's eyes, the most popular girl and the hottest girl here. Except for me. Although she is pretty cute... NO. Naturally, in this case, all the guys want her, and as far as I can tell all the girls want to be her just to get the guys that stare hopelessly..

As we walk to class, someone pushes between me and Nashi, basically shoving her into the wall! I look to see who it is.. "Hey Stormie, so I was thinking you could, like, ditch pinky over there and join me for lunch today!" .. This girl latches on to me, and I suddenly know exactly who I'm dealing with. Again.

"Talia, I have told you a million times, I'm not 'ditching pinky' or 'leaving that girl alone' or anything else that means I leave Nashi alone. We broke up a year ago, get over it already!"

Nashi's POV:

I sometimes wish she would just disappear. My bully, my biggest hater, Talia. Storm's ex-girlfriend. They were only together for 4 months last year, and it's been about a year since he ended things. Not only was she controlling of him, but she also wouldn't do anything in the relationship besides complain he wasn't doing enough for her. Fun fact, he did EVERYTHING! Honestly, I wish he would just look at me the way he looked at her before they got together sometimes.. Not because of any sort of crush. He doted on her like she was the only woman, and she treated him like crap. So, he left her. But she's been gunning for me way before that ever happened, and she's now convinced he cheated with me, or I somehow made him leave her. Which I didn't, I just supported his emotional wellbeing and was there for him like she should have been. Because, at the very least, that's what you do for people you care about.

The wall I crashed into because of her hit my shoulder pretty good, and now I think I have a bruise coming along.. This hurts a lot.. I look over at Storm, who's arguing with her about it, and I walk up to him. "Storm, it's fine, I'm okay, just a bump. It's nothing I can't handle." I put my best smile on, knowing that it's fake as all crap. I then walk on ahead to class. "I'm gonna beat you to class if you don't hurry up!"

As I approach the door, I can hear lots of snickering and giggling, with my name mixed in the middle. What the hell is going on now? What rumour is there now? I open the door to the classroom, Form Control, the most populated class there is in this school. Most students here are at least part demon, so we were all put into this class as mandatory. Although not all of us are there at once, the majority is. As I step through the door, a bang goes off and I hear a popping noise as something wet pours all over me from above, completely drowning me!

"I GOT HER! HAHA I GOT HER! WHERE'S MY MONEY?!" .. A boy shouts to the class, demanding money. I am frozen. I don't want to move. If I move, it makes this real. Humiliation I deal with on the daily, but nothing ever like this. I look around with my eyes and see across the room a betting board, with bets on whether or not they'd be able to get this prank done right. Well, looks like they have. I can feel my emotions welling up inside me, just waiting to burst out in tears. No! I can't give them that! I turn around and run out of the room, looking for any place to be alone in private.. Yet as I turn, I catch a glimpse of Storm. Great, now he's seen me like this! How the hell am I getting out of this one?!

Nashi & Storm POV:

I can't believe this happened. What happened to the sweet girl who'd blast back at anyone that would dare do this?

I can't let him see me like this.. But why am I feeling so..

I need to see her.. I need to protect her.. but why..?

Am I.. Falling for you without my consent..? No! Can't Be!

TDP&TIP (RE-WRITE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن