Chapter 1 - Beginnings

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Nashi POV:

The morning light is blinding. You know when you wake up and your eyes aren't open just yet, but you immediately want to close them again? That's how I feel right now, with the sunlight coming through my window and stroking my face, almost forcing my eyes open gently. But hey, it's my birthday, so it's worth it, right?

By the looks of it, mom already set out my clothes for me like she always does when I sleep. As much as I'd like to stay in bed, I get up and walk over to my closet where my clothes are hanging on the handle. I'm 10 now, so I already know how to change myself, I'm not a kid anymore. Well, not a small one.

Today's supposed to be a good day, not just because of the date but because I'm meeting this boy who's family are family friends, even though I've never met them, not that I even understand why it hasn't happened until now. It's also an exciting day because I am now old enough to become an official member of my guild, Fairy Tail! It's basically ancient by now, but we still get so much respect from not only the people living in Magnolia, but the other guilds too, so nobody has ever paid attention to the age of the guild itself.

Now that I'm dressed and ready for the day, I go downstairs to greet my parents. I don't think I've introduced them yet, huh? Fairy Tail Legends, Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Dragneel. Or I think it's Dragneel? I don't remember what her last name used to be before she got married.. I normally call them mom and dad, so I'm not really bothered by their names.

"Good morning, Nashi! Happy 10th birthday!".. I'm greeted with my parents and a LOT of presents, at least 5, in our living room! Today's already going good! "So.. Honey, we wanted to surprise you with this.. But we have talked with your aunt and uncle and they've decided they want us to stay over for the weekend for your birthday! What do you think?" My dad asks me, excitedly. My aunt and uncle.. are not related to us. They just belong to the same guild, and the friends I mentioned already. But It still sounds exciting! "Really? I'd love to go! But don't they live far away?" .. My mom answers me, "Not too far away, we just never have the time to see them as often as we'd like to anymore, which is part of the reason they'd like us to stay for the weekend!"

A couple of hours go by of birthday enjoyment and we arrive at their house. It's not huge or anything, but it looks like there's enough room for a lot of people to fit in there! I actually kinda can't wait to meet this guy.. I mean, he sounds cool enough. I just hope he isn't mean or anything...

Storm POV:

There are presents in the living room, banners everywhere, the cupboards are full of sweet food, even though there's only meant to be two of us kids, not 15! This girl better be worth it..

Apparently I'm older than her by a couple of months, and her birthday is today. Don't get why she's here for the next few days, but whatever. Since it's only this once, I'll allow it. Waiting is definitely the worst though, but I'm not nervous or anything, she's just late! Rude.. I just want to get this meeting part over with.

Wait.. Is that them? I can hear noises, like people laughing and talking in general. I look outside the front window, only to discover 3 people walking to my door. One of them looks about my age and has a birthday badge, and the other two are adults. Sigh.. They're here. Time to sacrifice my freedom to the Gods in exchange for a decent weekend with this girl-.. Uhm.. She... She's looking at me.. She sees me.. SHE SEES ME.. I immediately duck down behind the couch and I can feel my face turning red. What the hell is going on with me?!

Great, now there's knocking on my door. I need to keep my cool or else they will think I'm a weirdo, not that I care what anyone thinks of me, at all. "I'll get it!".. I hear mom call out to dad, like she normally does, and she's taking off her apron that's now covered in cake batter from cooking for this girl.. I quickly sit down on the couch and calm myself down, because otherwise I'd be screwed. She'd probably start bullying me all weekend.. "Oh, we missed you so much! Please, come in, come in! We have got so much catching up to do!".. still mom, as friendly as ever..

Nashi POV:

"Juvia! How are you all? Where's Gray, shouldn't he be at the door with you?" Mom is talking to the woman at the door. She has lovely blue hair.. Nothing like my pink, and exactly like the boy's that I saw in the window just now.. Maybe that was that boy my parents were telling me about? I'm excited to meet him! I run in through the door and look around, since the lady did say to come in already, and the first thing I see is the boy to my left. "Hi there, I'm Nashi, what's your name?".. He's silent for a second, but he does answer me, shyly. "S.. Storm.. My name is Storm.. It's nice to meet you.."

Storm POV:

And I'm stuttering BECAUSE? She is MY guest, if anyone should be nervous it's her! Not that I am nervous, but still! " H-Happy birthday Nashi.. Do you.. wanna play something with me? Like.. I don't know.. hide and seek? Or toys? I have some upstairs-" NO.. NO NO.. MY ROOM IS A MESS. SHE CANNOT GO IN THERE YET.. "Uhm.. Hang on.." I IMMEDIATELY run upstairs and throw everything in my closet out of the way so it looks cleaner in here. My parents did tell me to clean up before they arrived, but that doesn't mean I did. "Storm, come down here!" .. Dad is calling me now, great.. I go downstairs again, feeling my face burning red for some reason.

"We thought that we would tell you when you're both together. You're going to be going to the same school soon! Isn't that great? Storm needs to be around people a lot more since we never see anyone, and this way you'll both have a friend around!"

... What?

Nashi POV:

"That sounds fun, then we will never feel alone! I hope we get to be in the same class!" I smile at Storm happily. The truth is that I don't have many friends, only the people in our guild, but most of the time they're away on some mission. This way I'll get to have a friend my age too! "Hey, do you wanna play with me? I'll play anything! Let's have fun together, Storm!"

Nashi/Storm POV:

This weekend should be good fun, and I can't wait to start school with him!

This weekend should be fun, but I never agreed to start school!

This is starting to get interesting..

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