Childhood friends to lovers - Feliloe / Adriloe

Start from the beginning

And so Adrien had his wish come true and began to have his freedom and his life as he always wanted. At the same time Chloé started to lose one of the most important things in her life. Adrien.

That's when things started to change between them. Adrien made new friends, met new people, and kept getting further away from her. They quarreled more and more, from the smallest things to major matters. It seemed like everything with them was a fight.

Chloe isn't an idiot, she knows she's not the easiest person to deal with or the nicest and kindest. But Adrien has known her forever and has never stopped forgiving or accepting her as she is. He was the one person who accepted and supported her no matter what, helping her be better and not abandoning her when she wasn't perfect.

But that was before.

Before school, before new friends, before Marinette Dupen-chang. The most irritating, pathetic girl Chloé has ever met. The two have never gotten along since kindergarten, and she doubts that one day they could become best friends, even if Chloé was replaced by a good, perfect clone. They hate each other and are sworn arch enemies.

And of course the girl she can stand the least would be the one to fall in love with and obsess over her best friend and boyfriend. Fate really is a cruel jerk sometimes. But the worst, the worst was seeing Adrien so close and friendly with the French-Chinese girl. He grew closer and closer to the girl, considering her an incredible friend and valuing her friendship more than anything else.

The two grew closer and closer, while he and Chloe drifted further and further away. Their fairy tale collapsed before it even started. Her amazing and wonderful future with Adrien turned to dust the moment Marinette laid eyes on the Agreste. And Chloé can only watch helplessly as it all unfolds. No matter how much she fought to keep their love afloat, in the end they sank faster than an anchor.

And it hurt.

It hurt more than anything to lose him. She ached as if her chest had been ripped open and her heart ripped out. She was lost and aimless. Not only has she lost the man she loves but also her best friend. How do you recover from it?

And just when Chloe didn't think her life could get any worse...

Felix returned to Paris. All tall, handsome and arrogant. With his cold and coarse way of speaking, teasing her and driving her crazy. Don't get her wrong, she loves Felix in spite of all his nagging and silliness. He's one of her best friends, even if their friendship is based on arguments, fights, teasing and them basically seeing which one annoys the other the most. That's how they functioned and they were happy that way.

But she definitely didn't want Felix and his teasing right now. Chloe hates feeling weak and hates looking weak in front of others even more. She's too proud for that. Years of her mother demanding perfection from her had put her in a place where appearing less than that in front of other people was the same as failing.

To her surprise Felix was more comforting than she imagined he could be. He comforted her and helped with her feelings. It wasn't long before the two fell into bed together. The sex was amazing and they began a purely sexual relationship that neither wanted to label. It was comfort and stress release, nothing more.

Or so they thought it would.

Which, if she thinks about it, was silly and stupid. You don't control your feelings, you can't decide who you fall in love with. And that's how Chloe found herself falling for her other best friend. And it sucked. She didn't want this, she won't accept this. She's been there once and it didn't work out, she doesn't want her heart broken again.

It was a nightmare. She and Felix could never have a relationship, they'd destroy each other. The two are too similar, not in a good way, for this to work. Sex? It works for them, no strings attached, labels or commitment. Dating? No, it takes a lot more time, loyalty, dedication, and effort for both of you to make it work.

Two people so alike don't work well together. They can barely function as friends and fight most of the time. The two are too selfish, arrogant, and stubborn to give in to each other. They would kill each other.

But how to stop her feelings when they feel like a runaway train wrecking everything in their path and not letting her do anything to stop it?

It can't. The only way is to let it happen and then deal with the mess it leaves behind.

And that's why Chloé is at this moment in front of Graham's apartment door, working up the courage to tell him her feelings or tell him to go fuck himself. She hasn't decided which yet.

Taking a deep breath, Chloe raises a shaky hand and knocks on the door. Seconds pass and it feels like an eternity, as if time has stopped and given her a chance to escape. As if he wants her to turn and run away as fast as she can.

But she won't. Chloé got tired of running away from her feelings for fear of being hurt, of being afraid to love and be loved. She has to learn to deal with the good and bad things in her life, learn to deal with disappointment and move on instead of withdrawing and closing herself off from the world in fear of getting hurt.

No matter what happens tonight, Felix reciprocating her feelings or rejecting her. In the end she already knows how it will end for her.

She's not stupid and she knows that Felix and she are incompatible to love each other without destroying each other in the end. But she's still determined to pay the price to have him, even for a short time. She is willing to fall into the flames and be destroyed by the intense, wild love she has for Graham. The only thing she prays is that when it's all over, she can pick up the pieces of herself and find love again.

Because this impossible and destructive love between her and Félix has an expiration date. Chloé doesn't care about that, she's on her way to her own destruction with a smile on her face and a peaceful heart knowing she's strong enough to overcome anything.

She just needs to live it, have it with her for a few moments, and then she can move on with her life without regretting not trying.

The door opens and Felix looks at it with knowledge in his eyes. He knows why she's there, she can feel it in the look he gives her. Every cell in her body feels the attraction and desire they feel for each other.

Félix smiles and pulls her to him. And this is where Chloé's downfall begins. With a laugh and a smile on her face, she throws herself into the abyss of destruction, ready to face the world to live her impossible love.

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