That's weird. That stupid bird hasn't posted anything in weeks! That gorgeous stupid bird. . . FUCK!! What am I saying????

Blitz smothered his face with a pillow and let out a muffled groan.


A notification went off.

It was a reminder that tomorrow night was a full moon.

Fuuuuck . . .

- The next night -

The imp groaned as he sat in his van out front the Goetia palace.

C'mon!! You've done this several times before! Nothing has changed. You're still just fucking him for the book, and that's it. Nothing more.

He gripped the wheel tightly as he slowly prepared himself.

Fuck, why is this so damn hard . . .

Eventually, he forced himself out of the van and crawled up the balcony.

The imp made his way through the door and found the room was covered in feathers.

"Uhmm, Stolas?? Did you fuck the pillows while ya waited?" Blitz spoke.

Where is he?? He's not at his desk like usual. - Wait . . . Don't tell me that's his stupid ass in a ball underneath the covers . . .

"Stooolaaas." Blitz called out while heading over to uncover him, "It's time to say hello to my di- WOAH!!"

The imp was startled by his discovery.

The prince had several bald spots all over his body from plucking so much.

Well . . . That explains all the feathers.

The owl let out a frightened little hoot and quickly covered himself.

"GO AWAY, BLITZ." Stolas pleaded.

Blitz only stood there for a moment, "Umm, is there a new flea infestation that I should know about?? The fuck happened to all your feathers!?"

Stolas sighed, "I've been plucking. Now, go away." still refusing to show his face.

"O-Oh. . . I get it. . .", the imp said softly, "Look, I'd really rather not leave ya like this. Is there anything I can do?" he asked sincerely.

"No! I-I don't want you to see me this way!!" the owl cried.

Blitz then sat on the edge of the bed, "Stolas, it doesn't bother me. I just wanna help you feel better. . ." he admitted.

A few minutes went by in complete silence.

Stolas eventually uncovered his head and allowed the blanket to loosely drape around him.

"F-Fine. . . Could you perhaps run a bath then?" the prince requested with an embarrassed expression.

Blitz replied with a nod and went to do as asked.

Once the bath was ready, Blitz helped Stolas to the bathroom and into the royal tub.

"Well, is the water fine?" the imp questioned while sitting next to the tub.

"Yes, it's just right. Thank you." the owl softly spoke as he laid back.

Another silent moment went by.

"Stolas. . ." the red being said.

"Yes?" the prince replied.

"I'm. . .I'm sorry. . .for that night after Ozzie's. . ." Blitz sobbed, "You. . . You didn't deserve that. . ."

Stolas sat up with concern for the crying imp.

"B-Blitz, please don't cry. . .", as he reached out and rubbed his head, "It's alright." the prince reassured.

"But it's not alright. I did this to you. . . It's my fault your feathers are all over the place. . . It's my fault that you're obviously upset an-and hurt and-" Blitz's voice began to crack.

"Darling, I don't blame you, not even in the slightest." Stolas interrupted.

The prince then gently coaxed the imp into the bath and held him close.

"I'm so sorry, Stols. . ." Blitz sobbed while lying on the owl's chest.

"Shhh, no more of that, darling. Just relax here with me." Stolas spoke with his natural soothing tone.

- End of part 3

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