SIX ─ [ . : 。✿ ] tarragon

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you could be like a much nicer version of him," Elijah agreed.

"Not to mention hotter," Naoki added with a grin.

Ignoring Naoki's addition, (Y/N) smiled. "I don't know. My ex-girlfriend made me sit through, like, seven seasons of Master Chef, and let me tell you, Gordon Ramsay is not the meanest chef on that show."

"For real?"

"Oh, totally," (Y/N) confirmed. "That Joe guy was a total asshole. Always rude, barely said anything nice. And the amount of times that dude threw people's dishes in the trash." She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I don't care how poorly seasoned a dish is, I'm never just wasting food like that," Lori chimed in.

"That's what I said!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "My broke ass could never."

"I watched the third season of Master Chef, because my friend recommended it to me, and──" Naoki was cut off by Lori.

It was clear her interruption wasn't intentional; she was just excited. "Oh my god, that was such a good season! My favorite was Christine, the blind girl. She was so badass!"

(Y/N) nodded. "Oh, for sure," she agreed, before making eye contact with Naoki. "What were you about to say? I think you got cut off."

Naoki was visibly taken aback. "Oh," he said, blinking. "Right, I was just gonna say I binged the whole season in, like, two days. It was really good. All the techniques and everything were so cool──  especially from Christine."

"Oh, definitely," (Y/N) agreed. "Hands down the best season of the show."

"Right!" Lori quickly agreed.

The conversation carried on. Laughter echoed against the walls of the dining room. Even after the plates were emptied and the meal was done, they sat around the table, talking and laughing and just having fun with one another.

All the while, Naoki found it difficult to look away from (Y/N). He'd made dozens of attempts at flirting, and it had mostly become a joke by this point, but... this was a new feeling for him. Sure, he liked hitting on people and sleeping around. Sure, he'd been romantically involved with countless men and women. But somehow, though their relationship thus far had only been platonic as roommates... this felt more serious. She noticed him in a way that most didn't care to do. It was such a small moment. None of the others even gave it a second thought. Naoki couldn't even really pinpoint exactly why it was felt like such a big deal to him. But the fact that (Y/N) had taken the time to acknowledge and include him, even with nothing to gain and without even seeming to think twice about it... it showed just how genuinely kind (Y/N) was. It gave Naoki some serious thinking to do. He watched as she threw her head back laughing at some silly joke he'd been too distracted to catch. And he thought to himself, for what would not be the last time:

'This one's special...'

MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018

(Y/N) walked through the back doors of Libra Lovers, the cute clothing store she'd been working at for almost a year now. It felt like it'd been a while since she'd came in for a shift. She'd taken off Friday to move in, and she always had weekends off. Three days wasn't a lot to miss, in all actuality, but with how immersed she'd been into her new home and housemates, it felt like forever.

She walked into the breakroom to clock in, and saw Jasper sitting at a desk looking at the screen of his laptop, with Matteo standing over him.

Jasper and Matteo were her bosses, though they were more like her best friends. She wasn't sure exactly how old they were, aside from them being roughly in their thirties, because Jasper always said "a lady never reveals her age, so why should I?" To which Matteo always remarked, "you're a little too undignified to follow the rules of a lady" but the fondness in his tone was evident. They were an adorable couple, very sweet and loving, and (Y/N) always hoped she'd find such a happy, committed relationship for herself someday.

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