Gouge Away

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It was May, 29th, 1985. Dustin and Steve sat on the floor of the Harrington Residence, Steve hearing Dustin's begs for him to volunteer at a camp he goes to each year.

"-That's why I think you should volunteer at Camp Know Where! STEVE!" Dustin snapped him out of his trance.

"Y-yea? Uh- What were you saying?" He asked, he wasn't paying attention the first time, thinking about girls, and what he was going to do for the summer.

"Did you seriously not hear ANYTHING I said?" He stared into Steve's eyes. He knew the answer, he just wanted to embarrass him. Steve shook his head, knowing that Dustin would go on until he actually listened.

"Well, I think you should volunteer for Camp Know Where because, one, the girl counselors there are hot," he put extra emphasis on the o, it immediately got his attention, "two, I will be there AND you get to meet Suzie, three, they pay like 200 bucks per month, so, that's why I think you should volunteer at Camp Know Where!" Steve nodded his head, already having his answer.

He sighs, "Sure... I'll volunteer, Henderson." Dustin's face lit up. He pounced on Steve, screaming out thank yous. It took probably weeks for him to be convinced, little did he know who he'd meet there.

Months later, Dustin and Steve are sitting in Steve's car, a red BMW 733i. Camp Know Where was about three hours away from Hawkins, they were two and a half hours in.

Steve looks out the window, "How far away is this place?"

"About three hours from Hawkins, we should be close."

Meanwhile, at the camp, Quinn was helping kids and other counselors get into the camp.

"Dustin said he was bringing a friend to volunteer, he said his name was Steve. Do you know him, Quinn?" Suzie interviewed Quinn at the front desk.

"No, I do not know him, Suzie." He said, still looking at the clipboard full of names. He wasn't paying much attention to things except when a kid or volunteer would come over and ask him something or have him sign them in. That was until he heard...

"QUINN! SUZIE!" Dustin screamed, getting out of the car, and running full speed at both of them. He wrapped both of them in a hug, then pulled away to give Suzie a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey, little man! How are you? Suzie here told me you brought a friend, who is it?" Quinn asked, smiling down at Dustin.

"I'm good! I did bring a friend, his name is Steve!" He exclaimed, pointing over to him. Quinn looked up, his smile went from being as bright as the sun to a massive frown. He recognized Steve, somehow. Though it had been many years since they last saw each other, he could recognize that jerk anywhere. The jerk that had bullied Quinn for all of his summers. Steve had been best friends with Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins. He had bullied Quinn with them too.

Dustin noticed the dismay on Quinn's face, "Quinn," he shook his hand in his face, "Quinn, are you alright? Do you know him or anything?" Quinn snapped back to reality.

"O-oh, yea, I know him, uh, go find your place at a table, I'll be there in a second," Quinn put back on a smile to greet Steve. Though much to Quinn's dismay, there wasn't much he could do about Steve being there. Steve had begun to walk over to the front desk, where Quinn was. Quinn looked up at him.

"Name?" Quinn asked, looking at him, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, uh, Steve Harrington!" He gave Quinn a nervous smile. Quinn looked at him, then at the clipboard. Steve watched him write down his name quickly, then, finally, his eyes met Steve's.

"You're friends with Dustin, correct? He's over there," he pointed to where Dustin and Suzie were sitting, "Go sit with him, I'll be there in a second." He gave Steve a cold glare, a fake smile, and a cold voice. Steve walked away wondering why he sounded so upset, then it hit him. That was Quinn, Quinn Rex, the same Quinn he bullied years ago with his friends. He sat down at the table quietly.

"Maybe I could make this better..." He thought to himself.

"Make what better? You're newfound love for Quinn?" Dustin asked, mouth full of pudding, a result of him going absolutely ham on the pudding he got. Apparently, Steve had thought out loud.

"WHAT?! NO! Absolutely not. I don't like Quinn like that. That's gross," Steve quietly shouted. Dustin threw his hands up and a little - Okay jeez - way. He couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from Quinn, it was a saddening sight to see. Quinn didn't think anything of him besides, "Oh, I can't be paired with him, he's probably still like how he used to be." Quinn sighed to himself, setting down the clipboard, and moving to sit down with everyone else.

As soon as he sat down, Dustin broke out into rambles, going on about random things that Quinn and Steve deemed weren't important or interesting enough to listen to. Steve noticed the bouncing of Quinn's leg, due to it being right up against his. He was going to set his hand down on his knee to hopefully help stop it but was stopped by a flinch due to another counselor announcing that it was time for kids to get into their camps.

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