Chapter 39.

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"What on earth is that?!"

Isabel cried out, wide disbelieving eyes glued on the giant on their trail. It was her first time witnessing such a phenomenon, same with her companion who couldn't help but outright gape at the thing chasing them. Despite living nearly six unbelievable years of peaceful coexistence with men-eating giants who suddenly showed disinterest in snacking on them, seeing this new...monstrosity was to say the least.

Levi squad shared an alarmed look. It seemed as though the two new additions didn't know what shifters were if their puzzled faces were any indication. This was enough to clear any suspicions of their involvement with the enemy currently chasing them.

"You don't know what that is?" Petra expressed in genuine surprise, causing the duo to quickly shake their heads which prompted her to quickly explain, seeing as they were lost. "that's the enemy shifter who attacked us. It's basically a human controlling a titan. It had been captured, however, I don't know how it managed to escape!" she gritted her teeth, "I thought commander Erwin had her. How on earth did she escape?!"

The dirty blond male frowned in confusion, "A shifter?", a calculating expression swiftly adorned his face as a thought came to mind.

'Could it be that...'

"No time to explain, we need to eliminate her as soon as possible! Looks like she's after you, Eren!" the teen in question's eyes snapped to Eld who addressed his comrades, "We'll get rid of her while the kid gets to safety! We can't afford to let her snatch him!" he ordered then turned to the two, "I don't know how you guys got those but you should hightail out of here! This is scouts matters so don't interfere!"

"What?!" Both Eren and Isabel squawked in indignation. One because he wasn't allowed to fight and the other because she wasn't even considered an option, though only Eren received an earful.

"You heard him brat! Just get the hell outta here and fast! Leave it to us! Don't forget whose squad you're in, got it?! " Oluo barked, stealing a wary glance behind him.

"No, please I can help! I don't know what happened back there but I can transform and fight! I'm not running away this time!" Eren yelled in protest.

"Yeah! Whatever the hell he said! We're not leaving you guys to deal with that thing!" Isabel shouted in agreement even though the 'transform' part puzzled the heck out of her.

'Transform...?' meanwhile her companion had a contemplating frown on his face, 'what does he mean by that?'

"This is an order Eren and you, stay out of this! You're not even a scout!" Gunther snapped at Isabel who let out a scandalized gasp, followed by a 'I saved your ass, bastard!' the chestnut-haired male wisely ignored with a wince.

"The captain told us to protect you and that's final! So don't make things difficult and just follow orders goddammit!" Eld grunted, fed up with the teen's stubbornness.


"Then what was the point of training if I'm not even allowed to fight?! What if you guys died because she's too strong for you?!" Eren defended.

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