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Welcome to Winterwood Acadia High everyone.

I enter the school corridor, tugging unto my sweater as I pass the sea of Chanel's and Celine's. They have their designer outfits on and are grouped into clique, no doubt talking about which country they visited over the weekend or which store they splurged thousands of dollars in. I bet they've never worked a day in their life yet they lavishly spend money like it is nothing but paper.

By the way, my name is Jennie Kim and I'm officially over it.

I live with my mother and my sister, Ella, in an advantage on the shady side of town. Our family fell apart once my sister was diagnosed with a rare disease called Type A Sephiligitis. My dad left and never looked back, leaving my mom and I to take care of Ella. Mom works at a hospital as a nurse and often works long hours in order to pay the bills, hence, she's never around much which leaves me to take care of Ella. My life is completely different from those in my school but I'm not complaining. I wouldn't even dream of getting into a snobbish, rich people school like this if not for the scholarship I won.

I'm grateful for the opportunity the school has given me but at the same time, I regret ever agreeing to attend because ever since I stepped foot here, I've been a target of the bullies. They would make fun of my clothes, my hair, my upbringing and straight up tell me that I don't belong here because I'm 'poor'.

My nemesis in this school is none other than the precious (insert barf in mouth) Lisa Manoban–daughter of Marco Manoban–hot shot lawyer with a clientele of only the rich and famous. I'm talking: Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, the list goes on, and Chitthip Manoban, entrepreneur extraordinaire, famous for the creation of CM Beauty-a cosmetics brand which made a total of $500 million dollars in sales alone this year and ranked #5 on Forbes 'Most Successful Companies List.'

She has made it her goal to make my life a living hell. She treats me like a charity case-throwing money in my face saying that she can 'buy' me and my entire family with just a snap of her fingers. We constantly butt heads and I'm honestly frustrated at this point. We just can't seem to get along and each altercation is always worse than the previous one.

Speaking of the devil...

"Yo Kim, where'd you get your pants from, the dollar store?" She and her minions laugh.

I just block her out and chant numbers in my head so I don't throttle her. I'm not a violent person but when you push someone to their breaking point, they're bound to react.

"Keep on ignoring me Kim, if you weren't so mute maybe daddy wouldn't have left." The topic of my dad is a very sensitive one and I wonder how she got that information. Tears well up in my eyes but I hold it back and replace it with pure rage. I drop my bag on the floor and walk up to Lisa and her minions. In a nanosecond, I'm on Lisa's back, ready to tackle her to the ground. She tries to pry me off her but I'm not having it.

"Get off of me crazy bitch!" She yelled.

"Who do you think you are talking about my father? Are you stupid? Or do you want a death wish?!"

"You're just salty because you know I'm speaking the truth." She fires back.

"Stop talking about what you don't know about and just shut up!"

"Or what?" She challenged me. "You'll run to daddy? Wait you can't because he abandoned you and started a new family."

That's it!

My palm connects with her cheek and she looks stunned. The once noisy hallway turns dead silent, waiting for Lisa to react. She raises her right hand to return the favor but a deep voice stops him. It's Principal Yang.

Hate You, Love You. | JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now